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Old 10-27-2009, 10:00 AM
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Default How to Create Web Pages & Graphics 6.0

Professor Teaches How to Create Web Pages & Graphics 6.0

Professor Teaches How To Create Web Pages 6 is an incredible software training value. With the explosive growth of the Web, more and more consumers are interested in creating their own Web pages and Web sites.This easy-to-use 3-CD set gives users the knowledge they need to design and publish Web pages and graphics with twelve comprehensivetraining courses on Web Design Fundamentals, HTML Fundamentals, HTML Advanced, Photoshop CS2 and CS, FrontPage 2003 and 2002, Dreamweaver 8 and MX 2004, Publisher 2003 and Flash 8 and MX 2004.

Delivering the highest quality of interactive learning for over 20 years, Professor Teaches is the most affordable personal trainer that helps you produce a Web site, enhance digital photos, and create Flash presentations with content that is personally developed. From beginner to advanced topics, everything you need is covered.Professor Teaches How to Create Web Pages continues to be a best seller. Now, with Professor Answers, it is even better. All the tutorials are instantly accessible on your desktop, only one click away. With Professor Answers, you can browse through all thetraining topics in every How to Create Web Pages tutorial, or you can search using keywords for just the training you need, right when you need it.

Easy and Powerful
Easy-to-use Navigation
Accurate Simulations
Chapters Organized into Learning Objectives
4 to 6 hours per course
Helpful Narration, Colorful Graphics and Clear Instructions
Exercises and Quizzes
Browse or Search for Topics
Professor Answers

Increase Your Knowledge
You can learn from all 11 courses or just the ones you need! In either case, the knowledge you gain becomes an asset for life. Professor Teaches courses use real-world settings to help you apply your new knowledge directly to your daily tasks.

Get Creative – Be More Productive
These courses will increase your proficiency with many Web tasks by guiding you through each step of the process. You will be able tocreate Web Pages, enhance digital images and create powerful presentations for your personal and/or professional use.

Learn at Your Pace
Professor Teaches How to Create Web Pages is more patient than a personal trainer and more personal than a traditional classroom course. It is computer-based-learning that puts you in control. You set the path and pace of the instruction by skipping or reviewing the information in order to meet yourlearning objectives.

Professor Teaches How to Create Web Pages is the complete multimedia training program for anyone who wants to create Web pages and Web sites. It teaches you Web design, HTML, and five of the most popular development tools C FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Publisher and Flash. Each program offers hundreds of practical tips and techniques designed to get you up to speed on the essential skills forcreating Web pages. Step-by-step, “how-to” instructions make learning easy!

Teach Yourself:
01. Web Design Fundamentals
02. Photoshop CS3
03. Photoshop CS
04. Dreamweaver 8
05. Dreamweaver MX
06. FrontPage 2003
07. FrontPage 2002
08. Flash 8
09. Flash MX
10. HTML Fundamentals
11. HTML Advanced
12. Publisher

Topic: Web Design Fundamentals
Over 30 Learning Topics
Designing Images for the Web
Secrets of Great Web Pages
Selecting a color Scheme
Determining Your Message
Advanced Design Features
Creating a Web Page
Laying Out the Site
Arranging Text on a Page
Finalizing the Design
Cool Tools for Web Work
Page Templates
and much more!

Topics: Photoshop CS2 and CS
Over 50 Learning Topics
The Photoshop Workspace
Opening and Navigating Images
Creating Selections
Working with Layers
Fill and Adjustment Layers
Creating a Selection Mask
Adjusting Color
Using the Drawing Tools
Working with Filters
Retouching Images
Optimizing Files for the Web
and so much more!

Topics: Dreamweaver 8 and Dreamweaver MX 2004
Over 40 Learning Topics
Creating the Site Structure
Creating a New Document
Working in Layout Mode
Creating Text and Image Links
Importing an HTML Document
Creating a Template
Inserting Images
Creating Tables and Forms
Working with the Site Map
Inserting a Navigation Bar
Formatting Options
and so much more!

Topics: FrontPage 2002 and FrontPage 2003
56 Learning Topics
Working with Templates
Importing and Formatting Text
Using Themes
Feature Elements
Applying Effects to Pictures
Applying a Theme to Your Web
Maintaining the Task List
Customizing a Web Theme
Creating an Image Map
Including a Search Form
Creating a Table
and much more!

Topics: Flash 8 and Flash MX 2004
Over 40 Learning Topics
Playing and Testing a Flash Movie
Understanding Layers
Introduction to Frames
Morphing with Shape Tweens
Moving Objects with Motion Tweens
Animating with Motion Paths
Adding Timeline Effects
Understanding Symbols and Instances
Creating a Movie Clip
Adding Audio and Video
Buttons with Sounds and Actions
Adding a Movie to a Web Page
and so much more!

Topic: HTML Fundamentals
65 Learning Topics
What is HTML?
Rules of Syntax
Building a Document
Using Colors
Adding Spaces and Line Breaks
List Elements
Building a Table
Aligning Tables and Text
Creating a Hyperlink
Creating a Frameset
Inserting Inline Images
Aligning and Formatting Images
and much more!

Topic: HTML Advanced
33 Learning Topics
Creating an Imagemap
Creating a Login Form
Applying the Cascading Model
Responding to User Events
Adding Fields
Embedding Flash Animation
Using Style Sheets
Applying Backgrounds
Controlling Page Layout
Formatting Text and Fonts
Writing javascript
Adding Audio
and much more!

Topic: Publisher
50 Learning Topics
Converting a Publication for the Web
Building Blocks of a Publication
Modifying Page Layout
Adding Bullets and Numbering
Using Rulers and Guides
Creating Text Styles
Creating a Table Frame
Using Border Art
Using the Design Gallery
Inserting Clip Art
Creating Web Pages
Using the Catalog
and much more!

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