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Old 05-16-2014, 01:46 PM
emil2992 emil2992 is offline
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Default The Knights Templar & Secret Societies - Collection 3

The Knights Templar & Secret Societies - Collection 3


- Baigent & Leigh - The Temple and the Lodge (2011)
- Berry - The Templar Legacy (2006) (a novel)
- Chesterton - The New Unhappy Lords; an Exposure of Power Politics (1965)
- Dice - The Illuminati; Facts and Fiction (2009)
- Domhoff - Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats; a Study In Ruling-Class Cohesiveness (1974)
- Domhoff - The Power Elite and the State; How Policy is Made in America (1990)
- Frale - The Templars and the Shroud of Christ (2011)
- Haag - The Templars, the History & the Myth; from Solomon's Temple to the Freemasons.. (2009)
- Haag - The Tragedy of the Templars; the Rise and Fall of the Crusader States (2012)
- Hancock & Bauval - The Master Game; Unmasking the Secret Rulers of the World (2011)
- Hodge - Secrets of the Knight Templers; the Hidden History of the World's Most Powerful Order (2013)
- Khoury - The Last Templar (2005)
- Khoury - The Templar Salvation (2010)
- Marcombe - Leper Knights; the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in England, c.1150-1544 (2003)
- Marrs - Rule by Secrecy; the Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids
- O'Malley - The Knights Hospitaller of the English Langue, 1460-1565 (2005)
- Wasserman - The Temple of Solomon from Ancient Israel to Secret Societies (2011)
- Yahya - Global Freemasonry; the Masonic Philosophy Unveiled and Refuted (2005)
- Young - The Fall of the Templars (2009)
- Ziolkowski - Lure of the Arcane; the Literature of Cult and Conspiracy (2013)

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