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Old 03-12-2014, 11:56 PM
Lucaciu2 Lucaciu2 is offline
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Default Top 1135 Novel Collection

Top 1135 Novel Collection
English | ePub/Mobi | 981.73 MB

Adam Carolla[*] Adam Carolla - In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks (mobi).mobi
Alan Dean Foster[*] For Love of Mother-Not - Alan Dean Foster.mobi[*] Orphan star - Alan Dean Foster.mobi
Alan Weisman[*]The World Without Us - Alan Weisman.mobi
Albert Camus[*] The Stranger - Albert Camus.mobi
Aldous Huxley[*] Brave New World - Aldous Huxley.mobi
Alfred Bester[*] Fondly Faranheit - Alfred Bester.mobi[*] Hobson's Choice - Alfred Bester.mobi[*] The demolished man - Alfred Bester.mobi
Alice Sebold[*] The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold.mobi
Alistair MacLean[*] The way to dusty death - Alistair MacLean.mobi
Alvin Toffler[*] Future shock - Alvin Toffler.mobi
Amy Tan[*] The Bonesetter's Daughter - Amy Tan.mobi[*] The Joy Luck Club - Amy Tan.mobi
Anita Diamant[*] The Red Tent - Anita Diamant.mobi
Ann Patchett[*] Bel Canto (P.S.) - Ann Patchett.mobi
Anne Frank[*] Anne Frank_ The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank.mobi
Anne Rice[*] Blackwood Farm - Anne Rice.mobi[*] Blood and Gold - Anne Rice.mobi[*] Blood canticle - Anne Rice.mobi[*] Interview with the vampire_ a novel - Anne Rice.mobi[*] Memnoch the Devil - Anne Rice.mobi[*] Merrick - Anne Rice.mobi[*] The queen of the damned - Anne Rice.mobi[*] The tale of the body thief - Anne Rice.mobi[*] The vampire Armand - Anne Rice.mobi[*] The vampire Lestat_ the second book in t - Anne Rice.mobi
Anthony Burgess[*] A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess.mobi
Arthur C. Clarke[*] Childhood's end - Arthur C. Clarke.mobi
Arthur Golden[*] Memoirs of a geisha_ a novel - Arthur Golden.mobi
Audrey Niffenegger[*] The time traveler's wife - Audrey Niffenegger.mobi
Ayn Rand[*] Atlas shrugged - Ayn Rand.mobi[*] The fountainhead - Ayn Rand.mobi
Barack Obama[*] The Audacity of Hope_ Thoughts on Reclai - Barack Obama.mobi
Barbara Kingsolver[*] The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver.mobi
Ben Bova[*] Mars - Ben Bova.mobi[*] Moonrise - Ben Bova.mobi[*] Moonwar - Ben Bova.mobi
Bill Bryson[*] A short history of nearly everything - Bill Bryson.mobi[*] A walk in the woods_ rediscovering Ameri - Bill Bryson.mobi[*] I'm a stranger here myself_ notes on ret - Bill Bryson.mobi[*] Made in America_ an informal history of - Bill Bryson.prc[*] Notes From a Small Island - Bill Bryson.mobi
Bill Clinton[*] My life - Bill Clinton.mobi
Bill Maher[*] When You Ride Alone You Ride with Bin Laden_ What the Government Should Be Telling Us to Help Fight - Bill Maher.mobi
Bob Woodward[*] Bush At War - Bob Woodward.mobi[*] Obama's Wars - Bob Woodward.mobi[*] Plan of Attack - Bob Woodward.mobi
Brandon Sanderson[*] Mistborn_ The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson.mobi[*] The Hero of Ages - Brandon Sanderson.mobi[*] The Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson.mobi[*] The Way of Kings - Sanderson_ Brandon.mobi[*] The Well of Ascension - Brandon Sanderson.mobi
Brent Weeks[*] Beyond the Shadows - Brent Weeks.mobi[*] Shadow's Edge - Brent Weeks.mbp[*] Shadow's Edge - Brent Weeks.mobi[*] The Way of Shadows - Brent Weeks.mobi
Bret Easton Ellis[*] American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis.mobi[*] Glamorama - Bret Easton Ellis.mobi[*] Imperial Bedrooms - Bret Easton Ellis.mobi[*] Less Than Zero - Bret Easton Ellis.mobi
Brian Aldiss[*] Hothouse - Brian Aldiss.mobi
Carl Sagan[*] Pale Blue Dot - Carl Sagan.mobi[*] The demon-haunted world_ science as a candle in the dark - Carl Sagan.mobi
Carlos Castaneda[*] The Teachings of Don Juan_ A Yaqui Way o - Carlos Castaneda.mobi
Carlos Ruiz Zafon[*] The angel's game - Carlos Ruiz Zafon.mobi[*] The shadow of the wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon.mobi
Charlaine Harris[*] All Together Dead - Charlaine Harris.mbp[*] All Together Dead - Charlaine Harris.mobi[*] Club Dead - Charlaine Harris.mobi[*] Dead and Gone - Charlaine Harris.mobi[*] Dead as a doornail - Charlaine Harris.mobi[*] Dead in the Family - Charlaine Harris.mobi[*] Dead to the World - Charlaine Harris.mobi[*] Dead Until Dark - Charlaine Harris.mobi[*] Definitely dead - Charlaine Harris.mobi[*] From Dead to Worse - Charlaine Harris.mobi[*] Living dead in Dallas - Charlaine Harris.mobi
Charles Darwin[*] The origin of species by means of natura - Charles Darwin.mobi
Charles Dickens[*] A Christmas carol - Charles Dickens.mobi[*] A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens.mobi[*] Bleak House - Charles Dickens.mobi[*] David Copperfield - Charles Dickens.mobi[*] Great Expectations - Charles Dickens.mobi[*] Hard Times - Charles Dickens.mobi[*] Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens.mobi[*] Our mutual friend - Charles Dickens.mobi
Charlie Huston[*] Joe Pitt 1 - Already Dead - Huston[*] Joe Pitt 2 - No Dominion - Huston[*] Joe Pitt 3 - Half the Blood of Brooklyn - Huston[*] Joe Pitt 4 - Every Last Drop - Huston[*] Joe Pitt 5 - My Dead Body - Huston[/b]
Charlotte Bronte[*] Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte.mobi
Chelsea Handler[*] Are You There, Vodka_ It's Me, Chelsea - Chelsea Handler.mobi[*] My Horizontal Life_ A Collection of One- - Chelsea Handler.mobi
China Mieville[*] Iron Council - China Mieville.mobi[*] Kraken - China Mieville.mobi[*] Perdido Street Station - China Mieville.mobi[*] The Scar - China Mieville.mobi
Chinua Achebe[*] Things fall apart - Chinua Achebe.mobi
Christopher Hitchens[*] God Is Not Great_ How Religion Poisons E - Christopher Hitchens.mobi
Christopher Moore[*] A Dirty Job - Christopher Moore.mobi[*] Bite Me_ A Love Story - Christopher Moore.mobi[*] You Suck_ A Love Story - Christopher Moore.mobi
Christopher Paolini[*] Brisingr - Christopher Paolini.mobi[*] Eldest - Christopher Paolini.mobi[*] Eragon - Christopher Paolini.mobi
Chuck Klosterman[*] Eating the Dinosaur - Chuck Klosterman.mobi
Chuck Palahniuk[*] Choke_ a novel - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Diary - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Fight Club_ a novel - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Fugitives and refugees_ a walk in Portla - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Haunted_ a novel of stories - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Lullaby_ a novel - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Pygmy - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Rant_ An Oral Biography of Buster Casey - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Snuff - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Survivor_ a novel - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi[*] Tell-All - Chuck Palahniuk.mobi
Clive Barker[*] Imajica I_ The Fifth Dominion - Clive Barker.mobi[*] The Painter, the Creature, and the Fathe - Clive Barker.mobi
Clive Cussler[*] Cyclops - Clive Cussler.mobi
Cormac McCarthy[*] All the pretty horses - Cormac McCarthy.mobi[*] Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy.mobi[*] No country for old men - Cormac McCarthy.mobi[*] The road - Cormac McCarthy.mobi
Craig Ferguson[*] American on Purpose_ The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot - Craig Ferguson.mobi
D. H. Lawrence[*] Lady Chatterley's Lover - D. H. Lawrence.mobi[*] Sons and Lovers - D. H. Lawrence.mobi
Dale Carnegie[*] How To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie.mobi
Dan Brown[*] Angels & Demons - Dan Brown.mobi[*] Deception Point - Dan Brown.mobi[*] The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown.mobi[*] The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown.mobi
Dan Simmons[*] Drood_ A Novel - Dan Simmons.mobi[*] Hyperion - Dan Simmons.mobi[*] Summer of Night - Dan Simmons.mobi
Daniel Defoe[*] Moll Flanders - Daniel Defoe.mobi[*] Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe.mobi
Daniel Keyes[*] Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes.mobi
Dante Alighieri[*] The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri.mobi
Dashiell Hammett[*] Red Harvest - Dashiell Hammett.mobi[*] The Dain curse - Dashiell Hammett.mobi[*] The glass key - Dashiell Hammett.mobi[*] The Thin Man - Dashiell Hammett.mobi
Dave Eggers[*] What Is the What_ The Autobiography of V - Dave Eggers.mobi[*] Zeitoun - Dave Eggers.mobi
David Baldacci[*] The winner - David Baldacci.mobi
David Brin[*] The Postman - David Brin.mobi
David Cross[*] I Drink for a Reason - David Cross.mobi
David McCullough[*] 1776 - David McCullough.mobi[*] John Adams - David McCullough.mobi
David Sedaris[*] Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim - David Sedaris.mobi[*] Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris.mobi[*] Naked - David Sedaris.mobi[*] Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk_ A Modest Bestia - David Sedaris.mobi
Dean Koontz[*] Brother Odd - Dean Koontz.mobi[*] Demon Seed - Dean Koontz.mobi[*] False Memory - Dean Koontz.mobi[*] Fear Nothing - Dean Koontz.mobi[*] Forever Odd - Dean Koontz.mobi[*] From the Corner of His Eye - Dean Koontz.mobi[*] Intensity - Dean Koontz.mobi

...............and many many more

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