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Old 02-11-2014, 09:43 PM
Lucaciu2 Lucaciu2 is offline
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Default Conflict between Judaism & Christianity Collection

Conflict between Judaism & Christianity Collection l 191.95 MiB

- Abulafia - Christians and Jews in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance (1995)

- Adelman - Blood Relations; Christian and Jew in the Merchant of Venice (2008)

- Boyarin - Border Lines; the Partition of Judaeo-Christianity (2004)

- Bradbury (Ed.) - Severus of Minorca; Letter on the Conversion of Jews (1996)

- Brustein - Roots of Hate; Anti-Semitism in Europe before the Holocaust (2003)

- Carlebach - Divided Souls; Converts from Judaism in Germany, 1500?Ητ1750 (2001)

- Carroll - Constantine's Sword; the Church and the Jews (2001)

- Chazan - Reassessing Jewish Life in Medieval Europe (2010)

- Chazan - The Jews of Medieval Western Christendom, 1000-1500 (2006)

- Cohen - The Friars and the Jews; the Evolution of Medieval Anti-Judaism (1983)

- Dunn - The Partings of the Ways between Christianity and Judaism, 2e (2006)

- Eichhorn - Evangelizing the American Jew (1976)

- Gager - The Origins of Anti-Semitism; Attitudes Toward Judaism in Pagan and Christian Antiquity (1985)

- Glick - Abraham's Heirs; Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe (1999)

- Grypeou & Spurling - The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity (2009)

- Harries - After the Evil; Christianity and Judaism in the Shadow of the Holocaust (2003)

- Kessler - An Introduction to Jewish-Christian Relations (2010)

- Krummel - Crafting Jewishness in Medieval England; Legally Absent, Virtually Present (2011)

- Lederhendler (Ed.) - Jews, Catholics, and the Burden of History (2005)

- Michel - Holy Hatred; Christianity, Antisemitism and the Holocaust (2006)

- Mundill - The King's Jews; Money, Massacre and Exodus in Medieval England (2010)

- Neusner & Chilton - The Intellectual Foundations of Christian and Jewish Discourse; the Philosophy of Religious Argument (1997)

- O'Shea - A Cross Too Heavy; Pope Pius XII and the Jews of Europe (2011)

- Parkes - The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue; a Study in the Origins of Antisemitism (1961)

- Teter - Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland (2006)

- Wilken - Judaism and the Early Christian Mind; a Study of Cyril of Alexandria' Exegesis and Theology (1971)

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