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Old 09-02-2013, 01:43 PM
Lucaciu2 Lucaciu2 is offline
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Default Biggest Kindle Collection MOBI

Biggest Kindle Collection MOBI l 964 MB

1. Abagnale, Frank W. - Catch Me If You Can.mobi 378.122 kB
2. Abercrombie, Joe - The Blade Itself.mobi 819.271 kB
3. Achebe, Chinua - Things Fall Apart.mobi 209.370 kB
4. Adams, Douglas - Dirk Gently 01 - Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.mobi 325.188 kB
5. Adams, Douglas - Dirk Gently 02 - The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.mobi 287.196 kB
6. Adams, Douglas - Hitchhiker 01 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.mobi 511.637 kB
7. Adams, Douglas - Hitchhiker 02 - The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.mobi 287.755 kB
8. Adams, Douglas - Hitchhiker 03 - Life, the Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams.mobi 284.231 kB
9. Adams, Douglas - Hitchhiker 04 - So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish.mobi 250.041 kB
10. Adams, Douglas - Hitchhiker 05 - Mostly Harmless.mobi 323.771 kB
11. Adams, Douglas - Last Chance to See.mobi 259.852 kB
12. Adams, Douglas - The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.mobi 915.652 kB
13. Adams, Richard - Watership Down.mobi 738.117 kB
14. Aesop - Aesop's Fables.mobi 260.649 kB
15. Albom, Mitch - The Five People You Meet In Heaven.mobi 364.380 kB
16. Albom, Mitch - Tuesdays With Morrie.mobi 180.244 kB
17. Alcott, Louisa May - Little Women.mobi 1.164 MB
18. Alighieri, Dante - The Divine Comedy.mobi 5.443 MB
19. Ambrose, Hugh - The Pacific.mobi 1.397 MB
20. Ambrose, Stephen E. - Band of Brothers.mobi 305.580 kB
21. Asmiov, Isaac - Foundation 01 - Foundation.mobi 312.646 kB
22. Asmiov, Isaac - Foundation 02 - Foundation and Empire.mobi 360.403 kB
23. Asmiov, Isaac - Foundation 03 - Second Foundation.mobi 320.315 kB
24. Asmiov, Isaac - Foundation 04 - Foundation's Edge.mobi 610.496 kB
25. Asmiov, Isaac - Foundation 05 - Foundation and Earth.mobi 548.910 kB
26. Asmiov, Isaac - Foundation 06 - Prelude to Foundation.mobi 589.425 kB
27. Asmiov, Isaac - Foundation 07 - Forward the Foundation.mobi 471.057 kB
28. Atwood, Margaret - Oryx and Crake.mobi 458.978 kB
29. Atwood, Margaret - The Blind Assassin.mobi 1.373 MB
30. Atwood, Margaret - The Year of the Flood.mobi 715.436 kB
31. Austen, Jane - Emma.mobi 980.548 kB
32. Austen, Jane - Mansfield Park.mobi 870.015 kB
33. Austen, Jane - Northanger Abbey.mobi 623.448 kB
34. Austen, Jane - Persuasion.mobi 582.235 kB
35. Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice.mobi 761.136 kB
36. Austen, Jane - Sense and Sensibility.mobi 842.157 kB
37. Baldacci, David - The Winner.mobi 620.715 kB
38. Ballard, J.G. - Crash.mobi 273.833 kB
39. Banks, Ian M. - Consider Phlebas.mobi 686.868 kB
40. Banks, Ian M. - Excession.mobi 683.422 kB
41. Banks, Ian M. - Inversions.mobi 464.043 kB
42. Banks, Ian M. - Look to Windward.mobi 538.960 kB
43. Banks, Ian M. - Matter.mobi 777.916 kB
44. Banks, Ian M. - The Algebraist.mobi 883.349 kB
45. Banks, Ian M. - The Player of Games.mobi 496.863 kB
46. Banks, Ian M. - Transition.mobi 577.245 kB
47. Banks, Ian M. - Use of Weapons.mobi 553.990 kB
48. Barker, Clive - Imajica.mobi 1.493 MB
49. Barker, Clive - The Damnation Game.mobi 595.229 kB
50. Barry, Dave - Big Trouble.mobi 286.785 kB
51. Barry, David - Dave Barry's Only Travel Guide You'll Ever Need.mobi 268.165 kB
52. Barry, Max - Jennifer Government.mobi 383.625 kB
53. Baum, L. Frank - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.mobi 6.127 MB
54. Benchley, Peter - Jaws.mobi 378.145 kB
55. Bester, Alfred - The Demolished Man.mobi 297.167 kB
56. Bowden, Mark - Black Hawk Down.mobi 237.900 kB
57. Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451.mobi 227.575 kB
58. Bradbury, Ray - Something Wicked This Way Comes.mobi 460.519 kB
59. Bradbury, Ray - The Illustrated Man.mobi 404.577 kB
60. Briggs, Patricia - Mercy 01 - Moon Called.mobi 440.699 kB
61. Briggs, Patricia - Mercy 02 - Blood Bound.mobi 543.988 kB
62. Briggs, Patricia - Mercy 03 - Iron Kissed.mobi 482.597 kB
63. Briggs, Patricia - Mercy 04 - Bone Crossed.mobi 465.852 kB
64. Briggs, Patricia - Mercy 05 - Silver Borne.mobi 557.570 kB
65. Brin, David - The Postman.mobi 539.383 kB
66. Brockway, Robert - Everything Is Going to Kill Everybody, The Terrifyingly Real Ways the World Wants You Dead.mobi 676.219 kB
67. Bronte, Charlotte - Jane Eyre.mobi 967.156 kB
68. Brooks, Max - The Zombie Survival Guide.mobi 295.854 kB
69. Brooks, Max - World War Z.mobi 694.408 kB
70. Brown, Dan - Angels and Demons.mobi 728.222 kB
71. Brown, Dan - Deception Point.mobi 689.890 kB
72. Brown, Dan - Deception Point.prc 407.297 kB
73. Brown, Dan - Digital Fortress.prc 270.211 kB
74. Brown, Dan - The Da Vinci Code.mobi 753.999 kB
75. Brown, Dan - The Lost Symbol.mobi 1.156 MB
76. Bryson, Bill - A Short History of Nearly Everything.mobi 671.112 kB
77. Bryson, Bill - A Walk in the Woods.mobi 373.764 kB
78. Bryson, Bill - I'm a Stranger Here Myself.mobi 346.526 kB
79. Bryson, Bill - Made in America.prc 26.076 MB
80. Burgess, Anthony - A Clockwork Orange.mobi 266.804 kB
81. Burroughs, William - Naked Lunch.mobi 305.818 kB
82. Bush, George W. - Decision Points.mobi 46.474 MB
83. Butcher, Jim - Codex Alera 01 - Furies of Calderon.mobi 701.816 kB
84. Butcher, Jim - Codex Alera 02 - Academ's Fury.mobi 735.969 kB
85. Butcher, Jim - Codex Alera 03 - Cursor's Fury.mobi 769.905 kB
86. Butcher, Jim - Codex Alera 04 - Captain's Fury.mobi 679.511 kB
87. Butcher, Jim - Codex Alera 05 - Princeps' Fury.mobi 631.154 kB
88. Butcher, Jim - Codex Alera 06 - First Lord's Fury.mobi 937.943 kB
89. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 01 - Storm Front.mobi 364.169 kB
90. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 02 - Fool Moon.mobi 523.577 kB
91. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 03 - Grave Peril.mobi 535.288 kB
92. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 04 - Summer Knight.mobi 479.878 kB
93. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 05 - Death Masks.mobi 441.846 kB
94. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 06 - Blood Rites.mobi 509.357 kB
95. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 07 - Dead Beat.mobi 589.861 kB
96. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 08 - Proven Guilty.mobi 630.883 kB
97. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 09 - White Night.mobi 552.506 kB
98. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 10 - Small Favor.mobi 622.532 kB
99. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 11 - Turn Coat.mobi 644.608 kB
100. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 12 - Changes.mobi 689.834 kB
101. Butcher, Jim - Harry Dresden 13 - Side Jobs.mobi 591.942 kB
102. Butler, Octavia - Wild Seed.mobi 374.275 kB
103. Cain, James M. - The Postman Always Rings Twice.mobi 128.046 kB
104. Calvino, Italo - If on a Winters Night a Traveller.mobi 335.125 kB
105. Cambell, Bruce - If Chins Could Kill, Confessions of a B Movie Actor.mobi 5.009 MB
106. Campbell, Joseph - The Power of Myth.mobi 395.906 kB
107. Camus, Albert - The Stranger.mobi 211.446 kB
108. Card, Orson Scott - Ender 01 - Ender's Game.mobi 423.442 kB
109. Card, Orson Scott - Ender 02 - Speaker for the Dead.mobi 506.426 kB
110. Card, Orson Scott - Ender 03 - Xenocide.mobi 751.681 kB
111. Card, Orson Scott - Ender 04 - Children of the Mind.mobi 556.892 kB
112. Card, Orson Scott - Ender 05 - Ender's Shadow.mobi 633.853 kB
113. Card, Orson Scott - Ender 06 - Shadow of the Hegemon.mobi 508.827 kB
114. Card, Orson Scott - Ender 07 - Shadow Puppets.mobi 461.297 kB
115. Card, Orson Scott - Ender 08 - Shadow of the Giant.mobi 432.635 kB
116. Carlin, George - Brain Droppings.mobi 268.021 kB
117. Carlin, George - Last Words.mobi 668.012 kB
118. Carlin, George - Napalm and Silly Putty.mobi 313.324 kB
119. Carlin, George - When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops.mobi 359.080 kB
120. Carnegie, Dale - How To Win Friends and Influence People.mobi 422.659 kB
121. Carolla, Adam - In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks.mobi 823.020 kB
122. Carroll, Lewis - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass.mobi 4.902 MB
123. Castaneda, Carlos - The Teachings of Don Juan.mobi 300.361 kB
124. Castle, Richard - Heat Wave.mobi 435.233 kB
125. Cather, Willa - My Antonia.mobi 556.009 kB
126. Chabon, Michael - The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.mobi 1.015 MB
127. Chandler, Raymond - The Big Sleep.mobi 261.841 kB
128. Child, Lee - 61 Hours.mobi 522.740 kB
129. Child, Lee - Bad Luck and Trouble.mobi 545.942 kB
130. Child, Lee - Die Trying.mobi 605.623 kB
131. Child, Lee - Echo Burning.mobi 602.164 kB
132. Child, Lee - Gone Tomorrow.mobi 601.917 kB
133. Child, Lee - Killing Floor.mobi 605.890 kB
134. Child, Lee - Nothing to Lose.mobi 585.250 kB
135. Child, Lee - One Shot.mobi 527.083 kB
136. Child, Lee - Persuader.mobi 604.297 kB
137. Child, Lee - Running Blind.mobi 570.207 kB

.................................................. ....................

965. Wolfe, Tom - The Right Stuff.mobi 529.977 kB
966. Wong, David - John Dies at the End.mobi 849.823 kB
967. Woodward, Bob - Bush At War.mobi 444.448 kB
968. Woodward, Bob - Obama's Wars.mobi 3.008 MB
969. Woodward, Bob - Plan of Attack.mobi 706.120 kB
970. Woolf, Virginia - To the Lighthouse.mobi 419.049 kB
971. Wright, Steven - Steven Wright Humor.mobi 62.204 kB
972. Wyndham, John - The Chrysalids.mobi 263.940 kB
973. Wyndham, John - The Day of the Triffids.mobi 373.526 kB
974. Zafon, Carlos Ruiz - The Angel's Game.mobi 667.860 kB
975. Zafon, Carlos Ruiz - The Shadow of the Wind.mobi 657.429 kB
976. Zusak, Markus - The Book Thief.mobi 1.603 MB

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