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Old 08-03-2013, 03:16 PM
Lucaciu2 Lucaciu2 is offline
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Default Mixing Audio Concepts, Practices and Tools DVD

Mixing Audio Concepts, Practices and Tools DVD l 4.09 GB

Absolutely first rate. The standard of writing by Roey Izhaki, as well as the examples on the CD are just superb. - Mark Mynett, Senior Lecturer, Department of Engineering & Technology, School of Computing & Engineering, University of Huddersfield

Author Roey Izhaki minces no words when he starts this book by stating, "Mixing is an Art." As an record mixer myself, I have to agree that often people perceive mixing music as a kind recipe-driven process: add a little bass, sprinkle a little reverb over the drums, compress the vocal and add EQ and magically you've got a mix---yeah right! So it was with great pleasure that I "flew" through Mixing Audio grabbing as much information as possible. Mostly information that I usually already knew but wanted to read about to verify my "feelings" while mixing music and how they apply to the process.

Like myself, Izhaki takes a very linear approach to the actual, nuts and bolts of the process so as to reserve creative energies for the most rewarding part: creating an unique listening experience that draws in the listener and fits the music and song. Throughout the book are other reading references, fairly current records to study, plus over 2,000 audio samples on an included DVD-ROM that illustrate many of the processing techniques you'll learn.

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