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Old 01-05-2013, 12:27 PM
emil2992 emil2992 is offline
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Default Total Immersion Perpetual Motion Freestyle

Total Immersion Perpetual Motion Freestyle [2.35 GiB]

Perhaps the best explanation of the TI concept ever, straight from Terry Laughlin.

Expounds on his "Three Percent Rule" or the "The Three Percent Solution" based on DARPA research (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, United States Department of Defense) about energy efficiency in the water.

Most humans use 3% of the energy they expend swimming to move forward, 97% on "other stuff".

Dolphins are 80% energy efficient in moving through the water.

Michael Phelps is 9% energy efficient.

Good stuff that can be applied to a lot more than swimming.

Do less, accomplish more. Laughlin has been perfecting this every day for the past 20 years.

US Masters NATIONAL long distance record holder for multiple distances tells you how he went from a total loser to the best ever for long distance and open water swimming.

If you don't get the point after watching this, you probably never will.

Audio 9/10, Video 6/10. NOT DVD quality. It's the best we could do with the material available. This compilation is UNIQUE, better than the official version of the seminar where he spoke, and NOT available anywhere but TPB.


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If you want to have high speed and parallel downloads buy premium account!

To Unzip the files please use 7zip and WinRar. Thanks

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