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Old 10-31-2012, 09:24 PM
emil2992 emil2992 is offline
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Default Artificial Intelligence E-Books

Artificial Intelligence E-Books [591.85 MiB]


Alpaydin - Introduction to Machine Learning (MIT, 2004).pdf
An Introduction to Neural Networks - Patrick van der Smagt.pdf
An Introduction to Neural Networks 8th ed. - B. Krose, P. Van der Smagt (1996) WW.pdf
Artificial Intelligence - M. Boden (AP, 1996) WW.pdf
Artificial Intelligence - Mirrors for the Mind - H. Henderson (2007) WW.pdf
Artificial Neural Networks in Real-life Applications - Juan R. Rabunal.pdf
Bentley - Creative Evolutionary Systems (Academic, 2002).pdf
Bourg - AI for Game Developers (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
Bow - Pattern Recognition and Image Preprocessing 2e.pdf
Buckland - AI Techniques for Game Programming (Premier, 2002).pdf
Charles - Biologically Inspired Artificial Intelligence for Computer Games.pdf
Cordon - Genetic Fuzzy Systems - Evolutionary Tuning and Learning of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases (WorldSci, 2001).pdf
Evolutionary Algorithms - The Role of Mutation and Recombination - W. Spears (Springer, 2000) WW.djvu
Fundamentals of the New Artificial Intelligence 2nd ed - T. Munakata (Springer, 2008) WW.pdf
Fuzzy Expert Systems and Fuzzy Reasoning - William Siler.pdf
Fuzzy Sets And Systems Theory And Applications - Didier Dubois , Henri Prade.pdf
Galushkin - Neural Networks Theory (Springer, 2007).pdf
Grana - Information Processing with Evolutionary Algorithms (Springer, 2005).pdf
Graupe - Principles of Artificial Neural Networks 2e (WorldSci, 2007).pdf
Hagan - Neural Network Design (PWS, 1996).pdf
Haupt - Practical Genetic Algorithms 2e (Wiley, 2004).pdf
Haykin - Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation 2e (Pearson, 1999).pdf
Heaton - Programming Neural Networks in Java [html].pdf
Hingston - Design by Evolution - Advances in Evolutionary Design (Springer, 2008).pdf
Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists 2d ed - Adrian A. Hopgood.pdf
Intro to Pattern Recognition - Stat, Struct, Neural, Fuzzy Logic Approaches - M. Friedman, A. Kandel (World, 1999) WW.djvu
Introduction to Machine Learning - Nils J Nilsson.pdf
Johnston - The Allure of Machinic Life - Cybernetics, Artificial Life and the New AI (MIT, 2008).pdf
Jones - Artificial Intelligence - A Systems Approach (Infinity, 2008).pdf
Jong - Evolutionary Computation - A Unified Approach (MIT, 2006).pdf
Jurafsky - Speech and Language Processing.djvu
Kaufmann - Genetic Programming - An Introduction.pdf
Learning Bayesian Networks - Neapolitan R. E..pdf
Lecky-Thompson - AI and Artificial Life in Video Games (Cengage, 2008).pdf
Li - Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Chaos Theory (Springer, 2006).pdf
Machine Learning - Tom Mitchell.pdf
Michalewicz - Genetic Algorithms Plus Data Structures Equals Evolution Programs 3e (Springer, 1996).djvu
Minds and Computers - Intro to the Philosophy of AI - M. Carter (2007) WW.pdf
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision 2nd ed - R. Hartley, A. Zisserman (Cambridge, 2003) WW.pdf
Neural Networks Algorithms, Applications,and Programming Techniques - James A. Freeman.pdf
Nilsson - Artificial Intelligence - A New Synthesis (1998).pdf
Partridge - Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering - Understanding the Promise of the Future.pdf
Rutkowski - Computational Intelligence - Methods and Techniques (2005).pdf
Serugendo - Engineering Self-Organising Systems (Springer, 2004).pdf
Sheehan - The Boundaries of Humanity - Humans, Animals, Machines [poor layout] (UCP, 1991).pdf
Sivanandam - Introduction to Genetic Algorithms (Springer, 2008).pdf
Sumathi - Evolutionary Intelligence - An Introduction to Theory and Applications with Matlab (Springer, 2008).pdf
Talbi - Metaheuristics - From Design to Implementation (Wiley, 2009).pdf
Tanimoto - Elements of Artificial Intelligence - Intro. using LISP (CompSci, 1987).pdf
The Computer and the Brain - J. Von Neumann (Yale, 1958) WW.pdf
Vince - Evolutionary Game Theory, Natural Selection, and Darwinian Dynamics (Cambridge, 2005).pdf
Zurada - Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems (WPC, 1992).pdf


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