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Old 10-29-2012, 09:05 PM
Lucaciu2 Lucaciu2 is offline
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Default Nonfiction Ebooks Collector's Pack

Nonfiction Ebooks Collector's Pack
English | Collection Ebooks | PDF Epub Mobi | 4.12 GB

I've pretty much given up on the scene - their ebook groups have really fallen apart lately.. ELOHiM is long gone. their last release was nearly 3 years ago. rebook's putting out some quality books, but let's be clear - the p2p ebook scene is absolutely killing the scene ebook scene. there are no scene council rules for ebook releases, so there's a lot of worthless junk being released everyday.

so, anyway, this pack is just made up of some stuff i've picked up lately. couldn't auto-rename some of the pdfs the .epubs or the .mobis like i would've liked to.
this is the "collector's pack" because there's so many books - it's not really about reading them all - it's about *having* them all.. so i hope this helps your collection get up-to-date..
some of these are widespread on the net already, and they're not all from 2010 and 2011, but some of them that are a little older have only just been made available on the net.
I hope u find something you like.
0070564892_Harry Shaw_Dictionary of problem words and expressions.pdf
007160880X_Kelly Luckett_Green roof construction and maintenance.pdf
0195672135_Dharmvir Bharati Alok Bhalla_Andha yug.pdf
0198150814_Peter Kingsley_Ancient philosophy, mystery, and magic.pdf
0199203180_Gerald MacLean Nabil Matar_Britain and the Islamic World, 1558-1713.pdf
0199211884_Richard J. Reid_Frontiers of violence in north-east Africa.pdf
0199219451_Carolin Duttlinger_Kafka and photography.pdf
0199599270_Greg Fisher_Between Empires.pdf
0203991737_B. K. Ridley_On science.pdf
0226725782_Jacqueline Rose_Proust Among the Nations.pdf
0230251641_Jonathan Charteris-Black_Politicians and Rhetoric.pdf
0230304826_Richard Trim_Metaphor and the Historical Evolution of Conceptual Mapping.pdf
0231127634_Hedley Bull_The anarchical society.pdf
0231142714_Israel Rosenfield Edward Ziff Borin Van Loon_DNA.pdf

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