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Old 08-11-2012, 04:31 PM
Lucaciu2 Lucaciu2 is offline
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Default Keith Laumer Complete Books

Keith Laumer Complete Books
English | PDF, DOC etc | Size: 1.47 GB

Organized his work into series, short stories and other works. Provided are Open Office files, RTF, PDF, and the scans. Most have been rescanned from the original paperbacks. Also provided are the fonts used and some research HTMLs on his bibliography. Laumer often rewrote or updated his work later in his life so finding out which ones can be misleading.

*Note: What's not here is his non-fiction model plane book. Two serialized novels only printed in magazines title A) And Now They Wake (1969) and B) The Seeds of Gonyl (1969).

Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Bolos Cold Steel.pdf 905.06KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Bolos Honor of the Regiment.pdf 734.96KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Bolos Old Guard.pdf 907.36KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Bolos The Triumphant.pdf 1.16MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 01 - Honor of the Regiment.doc 791.50KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 01 - Honor of the Regiment.lit 368.13KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 02 - Bolo Strike (William H. Keith).lit 658.58KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 02 - Bolo Strike.doc 1.28MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 03 - The Triumphant.lit 414.90KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 03 - The Triumphant.rtf 1.21MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 05 - Old Guard.doc 1.12MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 05 - Old Guard.lit 516.00KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 06 - Cold Steel.doc 1.02MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 06 - Cold Steel.lit 497.71KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 02-01 - Honor of the Regiment.pdf 890.07KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 02-02 - The_Unconquerable.pdf 798.85KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 02-03 - The Triumphant.pdf 1.10MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 02-04 - Last_Stand.pdf 1.19MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 02-05 - Old Guard.pdf 1.09MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 2/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 02-06 - Cold Steel.pdf 1.20MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 3/Extras/Bolo Strike3-3.pdf 1.16MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 3/Extras/Bolos 3-2 - Bolo Rising.pdf 1.05MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 3/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 08 - Bolo Rising (William H. Keith).lit 491.74KB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 3/Extras/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 08 - Bolo Rising.doc 1.16MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 3/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 03-01 - Brigade.pdf 1.07MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 3/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 03-02 - Bolo Rising.pdf 1.13MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 3/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 03-03 - Bolo Strike.pdf 1.09MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 4/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 04-01 - The Road to Damascus.pdf 1.79MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 4/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 04-02 - Bolo!.pdf 1.25MB
Bolos/Other Bolo Series (Not Laumer)/Series 4/Laumer, Keith - Bolos 04-03 - Old Soldiers.pdf 821.31KB
Bolos/The Compleat Bolo (1990)/The Compleat Bolo.odt 235.52KB
Bolos/The Compleat Bolo (1990)/The Compleat Bolo.pdf 968.03KB
Bolos/The Compleat Bolo (1990)/The Compleat Bolo.rtf 1.50MB
Bolos/The Stars Must Wait (1990)/Archive.zip 40.85MB
Bolos/The Stars Must Wait (1990)/The Stars Must Wait.odt 161.77KB
Bolos/The Stars Must Wait (1990)/The Stars Must Wait.pdf 615.26KB
Bolos/The Stars Must Wait (1990)/The Stars Must Wait.rtf 911.02KB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/A_Plague_of_Demons.rtf 1.06MB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/Future_Imperfect.rtf 1.02MB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/Legions_of_Space.rtf 992.96KB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/Odyssey.rtf 1.07MB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/Retief Emissary to the Stars(collection).zip 28.41MB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/Retief in the Ruins(collection).zip 15.59MB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/Retief of the CDT(collection).zip 12.56MB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/Retief.odt 464.92KB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/The Lighter Side.rtf 1.55MB
Collections (Separated to Other Folders)/The_Lighter_Side.rtf 998.86KB
Imperium/01 Worlds of the Imperium (1962)/Worlds of the Imperium.odt 152.53KB
Imperium/01 Worlds of the Imperium (1962)/Worlds of the Imperium.pdf 555.57KB
Imperium/01 Worlds of the Imperium (1962)/Worlds of the Imperium.rtf 918.96KB
Imperium/02 The Other Side of Time (1965)/The Other Side of Time.odt 167.08KB
Imperium/02 The Other Side of Time (1965)/The Other Side of Time.pdf 582.95KB
Imperium/02 The Other Side of Time (1965)/The Other Side of Time.rtf 967.04KB
Imperium/03 Assignment In Nowhere (1968)/Archive.zip 11.42MB
Imperium/03 Assignment In Nowhere (1968)/Assignment in Nowhere.odt 123.51KB
Imperium/03 Assignment In Nowhere (1968)/Assignment in Nowhere.pdf 402.16KB
Imperium/03 Assignment In Nowhere (1968)/Assignment in Nowhere.rtf 706.83KB
Imperium/04 Zone Yellow (1990)/Archive.zip 41.11MB
Imperium/04 Zone Yellow (1990)/Zone Yellow.odt 154.28KB
Imperium/04 Zone Yellow (1990)/Zone Yellow.pdf 586.58KB
Imperium/04 Zone Yellow (1990)/Zone Yellow.rtf 861.08KB
JansonText/JANSTBI_.TTF 47.72KB
JansonText/JANSTB__.TTF 47.37KB
JansonText/JANSTI__.TTF 49.45KB
JansonText/JANSTR__.TTF 50.45KB
KeithLaumer.tif 856.96KB
Lafayette O'Leary/01 The Time Bender (1966)/Archive.zip 18.89MB
Lafayette O'Leary/01 The Time Bender (1966)/The Time Bender.odt 167.28KB
Lafayette O'Leary/01 The Time Bender (1966)/The Time Bender.pdf 622.05KB
Lafayette O'Leary/01 The Time Bender (1966)/The Time Bender.rtf 960.52KB
Lafayette O'Leary/02 The World Shuffler (1970)/Archive.zip 17.34MB
Lafayette O'Leary/02 The World Shuffler (1970)/The World Shuffler.odt 153.82KB
Lafayette O'Leary/02 The World Shuffler (1970)/The World Shuffler.pdf 545.67KB
Lafayette O'Leary/02 The World Shuffler (1970)/The World Shuffler.rtf 954.60KB
Lafayette O'Leary/03 The Shape Changer (1972)/Archive.zip 12.13MB
Lafayette O'Leary/03 The Shape Changer (1972)/The Shape Changer.odt 153.60KB
Lafayette O'Leary/03 The Shape Changer (1972)/The Shape Changer.pdf 546.11KB
Lafayette O'Leary/03 The Shape Changer (1972)/The Shape Changer.rtf 1.01MB
Lafayette O'Leary/04 The Galaxy Builder (1984)/Archive.zip 20.97MB
Lafayette O'Leary/04 The Galaxy Builder (1984)/The Galaxy Builder.odt 196.92KB
Lafayette O'Leary/04 The Galaxy Builder (1984)/The Galaxy Builder.pdf 727.94KB
Lafayette O'Leary/04 The Galaxy Builder (1984)/The Galaxy Builder.rtf 1.06MB
Retief/Aide Memoire (1962)/Aide Memoire (1962).odt 39.00KB
Retief/Aide Memoire (1962)/Aide Memoire (1962).pdf 89.00KB
Retief/Aide Memoire (1962)/Aide Memoire (1962).rtf 142.22KB
Retief/Aide Memoire (1962)/Aide Memoire.zip 1.10MB
Retief/Ballots and Bandits (1970)/Ballots and Bandits (1970).odt 50.96KB

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