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Old 01-01-2009, 10:39 AM
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Default Velox v2.0.3 - GPS Tracks Recorder [UpdatE 14 Dec'08]

Velox v2.0.3 - GPS Tracks Recorder [UpdatE 14 Dec'08]

Velox v2.0.3

Velox is a speedo clone which uses a Bluetooth or internal GPS receiver to display speed, calculate distances and record GPS tracks. This version supports phones with internal GPS receivers, e.g. Nokia N82, SonyEricsson C702.

after the death of my bike's speedo i decided to create a little piece of software to replace it. velox uses a bluetooth or internal gps receiver to get the speed and calculate the travelled distance. velox is optimized for 176x220 and 240x320 pixel displays.

supported features:
* display speed
* display total time
* display travel time (= time with speed > 0)
* display daily distance
* display total distance
* display gps information (number of satellites, height, travelling direction)
* display average speed
* record gps tracks

if you have some problems using this software or find some bugs then just send me a mail (german, italian or english). my mail address can be found here .

after starting the software the first time it starts searching for bluetooth gps devices. if it doesn't find a gps device the software pairs with the first found bluetooth device. after successful pairing with a gps device the phone creates a connection to this device and starts reading gps data from this device. make sure bluetooth is enabled on your phone!

on gps enabled phones the internal gps will be used, but a bluetooth gps receiver can be paired via the options menu.

gps tracks can be recorded via 'Options -> Record (start/stop)' and recorded tracks can be displayed with 'Options -> Tracks'. tracks can be transmitted to the pc via bluetooth. make sure the pc is visible and an OBEX server (e.g. gnome-obex-server) is ready to accept files. some phones have a very limited memory for recording gps tracks, even if the phone itself has enough free memory (e.g. Motorola phones limit the memory to 512 kB). recording a track requires approx. 100 kB per hour.

after transmitting the track to the pc it can be analyzed using the velox-gps-tool.jar (requires Java 6, start with 'java -jar velox-gps-tool.jar'), which generates a speed/height profile, a Google Maps html file and a kml file which can be viewed in Google Earth. an example can be found here .

Notice: the bluetooth gps receiver must support the nmea protocol and output rmc data.
notice #2: not all phones support uploading files via bluetooth.
notice #3: if you want to include the Google Maps file on your own homepage, then you have to change the API key, otherwise it won't work.

* fixed font issues on Motorola phones


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