For a long time, the FDA has maintained its stand that the indigestion of fish should be limited in
[COLOR=#006699! important][COLOR=#006699! important]pregnant [COLOR=#006699! important]women[/color][/color][/color] and young children as it may contain high levels of mercury, which may be harmful to the fetus and infants.
Now, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has managed to lay its hands on a draft FDA report that talks of the likely benefits of fish consumption in adults and children alike. The document reads, "the net effect on fetal neurodevelopment from eating commercial fish containing methyl mercury is not necessarily adverse and could in fact be beneficial."
This has triggered a fresh controversy wherein environmental groups are crying foul. EWG wants that the FDA should reconsider its consumer advice on fish. The Environmental Protection Agency has gone to the extent of accusing the earlier FDA study on the subject as "scientifically flawed and inadequate" and lacking analytical rigor.
The controversy has involved political interest also. Sen. Barbara Boxer, chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, alluded that the FDA should refrain from backing out of its previous stand.
She categorically maintained, "FDA should not change anything it cannot back up with the best science, because we know that mercury can cause brain and cardiovascular damage. FDA should not play politics with the
[COLOR=#006699! important][COLOR=#006699! important]health[/color][/color] of our families."
The FDA maintained a middle path and said that it would be wrong to presume that the latest draft report is the FDA's official position. Spokesman Michael Herndon said, "Following the discussion among government agencies, FDA intends to seek public comment. This will all be done in a very public and transparent manner, and the FDA will make no final determination until all the relevant comments and scientific analysis has been carefully considered."
High levels of mercury in the bloodstream can harm the nervous system of the young and can cause learning disabilities. Fish are the main sources of human exposure to mercury. Therefore the FDA had advised a limited consumption of fish for the infants and mothers-to-be since they are most susceptible to harm. Needless to say, the fishing industry had fought to turn over this consumption warning.