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Old 07-16-2011, 08:15 PM
socolathui01 socolathui01 is offline
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Default [FSN] Brink.v 1.0.23504 (Update 8) (2011/MULTI2)

Brink.v 1.0.23504 (Update 8) (2011/MULTI2)

Brink.v 1.0.23504 (Update 8) (2011/MULTI2/Repack by Fenixx)
Year:2011 | PC Game | Developer: Splash Damage | Publisher: Bethesda Softworks | 4.02 GB
Genres: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Events unfolding in the Brink Arch - a giant floating city that is on the verge of a brutal civil war. It was built as an experiment as environmentally friendly and self-contained habitat for humans. But the result was the home not only to its founders and their descendants, but also for the thousands of refugees forced to flee from the land suddenly flooded water. As often happens, the inmates could not get on Arch with each other and divided into two camps - the rich citizens under the protection of security personnel, rebels and ... Those and others are ready to go to any lengths to gain control over the last refuge of humanity. On whose side you stand?

- Hero, but not simple. Lots of different settings provide almost unlimited freedom to create a truly unique character. The further the player progresses through the story, the more opportunities it opens.
- A double edged sword.
Each will have to choose which side to pass single-player campaign - whether to join or become a fighter Protection of the Resistance. Getting used to the game world, you can take part in online battles and together with its allies to set the heat to the enemy.
- Blurring the boundaries. Brink will instantly move your character between the single-player campaign mode, cooperative and multiplayer games. Campaign can go, fighting as a team with seven friends (or characters under the control of artificial intelligence) against other players.
- Play in an intelligent. With "smart" keys SMART even inexperienced fighters can operate effectively and spectacularly. This feature complements the classic control scheme for first-person shooter and always allow everyone to achieve goals and find elegant solutions to complex situations.
- Goals and rewards. Tasks, data, equipment - in any game mode, all generated in real time based on operations soldier, his specialty, condition, and location, as well as members of his squad and the situation on the battlefield. The player will always know where to go, what to do and what is a quest reward waiting for him.

System requirements:
# Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
# Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 3600 +
# RAM: 2 GB
# Video Card: NVIDIA 8800GS/AMD Radeon HD 2900 Pro 256 MB
# Sound Card: Sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0
# Free hard drive space: 8 Gb

Features Repack:
* Audio quality: 100%
* Video quality: 100%
* Exclusive installer
* Installation of additional Softa (DirectX, Visual C + +)
* All the way registry maintained
* Start the game through the shortcut on the desktop or the Start menu
* Installation requires 512 MB of RAM
* Approximate install time 22 min (a, s)
* V 1.0.22696. (Update 1)
* V 1.0.22745. (Update 2)
* V 1.0.22745. (Update 3)
* V 1.0.22823. (Update 4)
* V 1.0.22998. (Update 5)
* V 1.0.23045. (Update 6)
* V 1.0.23226. (Update 7)
* V 1.0.23504. (Update 8)
Removed: logo development, demo video
Author Repacka: Fenixx


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