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Old 07-13-2011, 03:22 PM
socolathui01 socolathui01 is offline
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Default [FSN] Heroes VI -Install version + Starting Method (2011/PC)

Heroes VI -Install version + Starting Method (2011/PC/ENG/Public Beta)

Might & Magic: Heroes VI -Install version + Starting Method (2011/PC/ENG/Public Beta)
Year: 2011 | Platform: PC | Language: English | Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment | Developer: Black Hole Entertainment | 4.34 Gb
Public Beta (Install version) + Starting Method
Genre: Strategy (Turn-based) / 3D

The story begins in the 564-year era of the Seventh Dragon. In the troubled time of the second eclipse of the moon and Bloody uprising of the Emperor of Demons - Kha-Belekhov. The legendary leader of the Archangels, who was killed during the war, the senior races, now resurrected. He has plans for the coming invasion of demons, and plotting to restore their power to kill the old sworn enemies and take over the world Ashan. However, he underestimates the strength of the dynasty Griffin. Might and Magic: Heroes VI Dynasty tells the story of griffins at a time when they were the Dukes of the Holy Empire, and sat on the imperial throne. In five campaigns unfold the story of children of Fame, the Duke of griffins.

Five heroes lead the Holy Empire troops into battle .. but the end of the story? Soon, our heroes realize that this empire is not going smoothly. So begins an epic of romance and love, betrayal and secrets, murders and saving lives. All five campaigns related to each other a single plot, but you can start playing at any of the parties. But before that, you will be introduced to the Duke of griffins, future father of five characters.

Game Features:
- Enjoy the continuing saga of the great cult developer Black Hole, was created with the assistance of a huge army of fans of the game.
- A unique blend of turn-based strategy and RPG. Explore a huge world map sword and magic, full of adventure, treasure and the most beautiful cities.
- Develop your character and collect the innumerable army.
- Determine their own fate and destiny of the world! Spend your hero through the intriguing scenario of this story.
- Discover all the richness of the world the universe of "Might and Magic"! Fantastic landscapes and creatures inhabiting it will not leave indifferent even the most seasoned players.
- Compete with your friends, thanks to a clever game interface, all your achievements will be available in the community game.

Minimum system requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (x32, x64)
Processor: Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo E4400@2.0 Ghz, AMD Athlon X2 5000 + @ 2.6 Ghz (Intel Pentium Core 2 @ Duo E6400@2.00 Ghz, AMD Athlon II X2 240@2.8 Ghz)
RAM: 1 GB for Windows XP and 1.5GB for Vista or Windows 7 (2 GB)
Video: the minimum number of memory / directX version 512 MB, DirectX 9.0c (1 GB, DirectX 9.0c)
DIRECT XV ®: DirectXV ® version DirectX 9.0c November 2008
DVD-ROM: DVD 8x (DVD 24x), for installation only
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Hard disk: 5 GB
Peripherals: Mouse, keyboard

Starting method:
1. Unpack the archive;
2. Install the game;
3. Create a shortcut for "Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe", in the settings to add a key / disableorbit. For example: "Might & Magic Heroes VI.exe" / disableorbit
4. Play.

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