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Philosophy Books Collection (2011)
Philosophy Books Collection (2011)
Philosophy Books Collection (Dec 2010) | 500MB Philosophy Book Collection Over 430 books! Some of the list : Adams, Douglas - The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy.zip (364 174 Bytes) Aghora - At the Left Hand of God - 180-186.zip (419 680 Bytes) Aghora - At the Left Hand of God - Chapter 1.zip (1 029 123 Bytes) Agrippa - Occult Philosophy Book 1.zip (542 812 Bytes) Agrippa - Occult Philosophy Book 2.zip (366 863 Bytes) Agrippa - Of Occult Philosophy Book1.zip (302 235 Bytes) Agrippa - Of Occult Philosophy Book2.zip (385 461 Bytes) Agrippa - Of Occult Philosophy Book3.zip (471 331 Bytes) Agrippa - Of Occult Philosophy Book4.zip (211 903 Bytes) Agrippa - Three books of occult philosophy-book 3.zip (725 354 Bytes) Agrippa, Cornelius - Of Occult Philosophy & Magickal Ceremonies - 4.zip (211 965 Bytes) Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - Of Occult Philosophy, or Of Magical Ceremonies; Book I, II & III (Original Inglês de 1651).zip (129 520 160 Bytes) Alain - Eléments de Philosophie.zip (561 602 Bytes) Apocalypse Of Moses.zip (36 627 Bytes) aristotle - categories-79.zip (25 119 Bytes) aristotle - history-78.zip (251 381 Bytes) aristotle - metaphysics-77.zip (194 711 Bytes) Aristotle - Metaphysics.zip (416 518 Bytes) aristotle - meteorology-80.zip (79 861 Bytes) Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics.zip (335 127 Bytes) aristotle - nicomachean-81.zip (154 844 Bytes) Aristotle - On Sleep & Sleeplessness.zip (21 871 Bytes) Aristotle - On Youth and Old Age.zip (47 031 Bytes) aristotle - on-263.zip (6 039 Bytes) aristotle - on-264.zip (10 745 Bytes) aristotle - on-265.zip (5 211 Bytes) aristotle - on-266.zip (27 609 Bytes) aristotle - on-267.zip (10 454 Bytes) aristotle - on-268.zip (43 414 Bytes) aristotle - on-269.zip (15 822 Bytes) aristotle - on-270.zip (123 530 Bytes) aristotle - on-271.zip (73 730 Bytes) aristotle - on-272.zip (11 619 Bytes) aristotle - on-273.zip (113 988 Bytes) aristotle - on-274.zip (60 888 Bytes) aristotle - on-275.zip (21 711 Bytes) aristotle - on-82.zip (9 344 Bytes) aristotle - on-83.zip (51 057 Bytes) aristotle - on-84.zip (16 878 Bytes) aristotle - physics-88.zip (142 729 Bytes) aristotle - poetics-87.zip (31 550 Bytes) aristotle - politics-89.zip (171 426 Bytes) aristotle - posterior-91.zip (61 259 Bytes) aristotle - prior-90.zip (67 672 Bytes) aristotle - rhetoric-86.zip (138 353 Bytes) Aristotle - The Athenian Constitution.zip (106 286 Bytes) Aristotle - The Categories.zip (44 903 Bytes) aristotle - topics-85.zip (115 134 Bytes) Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy.zip (54 226 Bytes) augustine - confessions-276.zip (356 741 Bytes) Averroes - The Incoherence of the Incoherence.zip (341 859 Bytes) bacon - essays-92.zip (116 067 Bytes) bacon - new-98.zip (33 331 Bytes) Barraux, Roland - Die Geschichte Der Dalai Lamas (Patmos Verlag 1995, Buddhismus, German-Deutsch).zip (830 771 Bytes) Being and Nothingness by Jean-Paul Sartre.zip (1 061 066 Bytes) Berkeley, George - A defence of free-thinking in mathematics.zip (100 541 Bytes) Berkeley, George - Abhandlungen über die Principien der menschlichen Erkenntnis.zip (295 867 Bytes) Berkeley, George - three-745.zip (73 111 Bytes) Berkeley, George - treatise-177.zip (71 782 Bytes) Bhagavad Gita in English.zip (299 226 Bytes) Bickle Philosophy Neuroscience.zip (271 633 Bytes) Blackburn, Simon - Think, A Compelling Intro To Philosophy v3.0.zip (194 466 Bytes) Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy.zip (246 281 Bytes) Book Of The Samurai.zip (368 757 Bytes) Buddhism - The Treasury Of Truth - Dhammapada Illustrated.zip (22 000 908 Bytes) Buddhism Mahayana Texts.zip (800 775 Bytes) Buddhism, Suzuki, Daisetz T. - Wesen und Sein des Buddhismus.zip (567 818 Bytes) Camus, Albert - Der Fremde.zip (276 245 Bytes) Camus, Albert - Der glückliche Tod.zip (603 207 Bytes) Camus, Albert - extranjero.zip (67 568 Bytes) Capra, Fritjof - The Tao of Physics.zip (9 472 385 Bytes) Chomsky, Noam - Philosophers and Public Philosophy.zip (1 234 125 Bytes) Cognitive Ethology And Philosophy Of Mind.zip (16 192 Bytes) Comte, Auguste - The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte.zip (595 361 Bytes) Comte, Auguste - The Positive Philosophy Vol II.zip (500 205 Bytes) Confucian Analects.zip (59 461 Bytes) Confucius - Great Learning.zip (14 256 Bytes) Crowley, Aleister - Gilles De Rais.zip (28 327 Bytes) Crowley, Aleister - The Banned Lecture.zip (12 407 Bytes) dalai lama - das.buch.der.menschlichkeit.zip (632 987 Bytes) Dalai Lama - Der Weg zum Glück.zip (445 665 Bytes) Dalai Lama - Tod Und Unsterblichkeit Im Buddhismus - ?ber Die Buddha-Natur (Herder-Spektrum 1997, German-Deutsch).zip (429 770 Bytes) Das Achte Und Neunte Buch Moses.zip (9 754 689 Bytes) Deconstruction, Postmodernism and Philosophy of Science.zip (116 894 Bytes) Download links: Code:
http://www.filesonic.com/file/70796803/Philosophy_Collection.part1.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/70796825/Philosophy_Collection.part2.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/70741237/Philosophy_Collection.part3.rar |
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