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Video Games Zone Discussion zone about Nintendo , Playstion , Xbobx360 , NDS , Wii and Microsoft Console, rate you best console games

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Old 01-28-2011, 06:24 PM
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Default Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (2010/ENG/RUS/Repack By R.G. ReCoding)

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (2010/ENG/RUS/Repack By R.G. ReCoding)

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (2010/ENG/RUS/Repack By R.G. ReCoding)
2010 | Language: Eng/Rus | Developer: IO Interactive | 3.18 GB 
Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Dirty streets of Shanghai - a great place to forget about the bloody haze. Ten bucks, a girl next door, and you are king of the world. But when he's old friend, all this does not mean a damn thing. And the passion for hunting to sit and remember the old days are - but on the horizon, new challenges. But they will have to solve the old-fashioned. After all, when the dregs are disadvantaged in the corner and pulls to get the shotgun and arrange all around the carnage! 
A couple of the most cruel and crazy killers in the history of video games is back! Kane and Lynch will tell a story with explosions, hurricane fire and thick streams of blood. Incredible realism of violent events will take you to the concrete jungle. Here is more dangerous than any ghetto, but these sinister characters - mother of predators. Its skin is more expensive than the life of local bosses. It is better to send to that light the whole city, than to allow someone to escape retribution. When they meet, around the world will collapse. Get ready - Kane and Lynch is near. And they are ready to kill. 

System requirements: 
Operating system: Windows ® XP / Windows Vista 
Free space on hard disk: 13.5 GB 

Features Repack's: 
* Do not cut / no recoded to a lower bitrate 
* Full 2-lingual version (text / voice) 
* Running through the shortcut on the desktop and Start menu 
* Installation time 40 minutes (depending on the PC!) 

* Installation requires 17 GB of disk space
Download link


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