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Google The search engine. This is for discussion about Google : SEO, PageRank , Serps

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Old 12-07-2010, 04:00 PM
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Default Site Speed Will Become a Ranking Factor of Google in 2010

How fast your page loads may have a direct effect on how your site ranks in Google in 2010. Over the year of 2009, an important theme that Google has been involved with is site speed. Google has talked about the importance of speed on the web, and how the company wants to do everything it can to make the web a faster place.

Matt Cutts was said on public that speed will soon be a ranking factor in Google search engine, “a lot of people within Google think that the web should be fast,” says Cutts. That is to say if you’re a fast site, maybe you should get a little bit of a better ranking. If you really have an awfully slow site, then maybe users don’t want that as much.

google caffeineThat said, making your site faster is going to benefit your users and possibly your sales anyway, so you might as well start optimizing it for speed anyway. Then if Google really does start using this as a ranking factor, you will have a head start on boosting your rankings.

Google recently announced a Site Speed site, which provides webmasters with even more resources specifically aimed at speeding up their pages.

Caffeine increases the speed at which Google can index content, it’s time to readjust your way of thinking.
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Old 03-14-2011, 05:16 PM
abigailpoul abigailpoul is offline
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Web links, in order to determine the quantity and quality rankings. Both the quantity and quality of text links is important. Please try to at least four or five of the web links page rank levels. Concentrate as much as possible to link to your site, you can usually get a different quality of your home.
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Old 03-26-2011, 03:13 AM
wordpress_themes wordpress_themes is offline
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webpagetest org gets one visitor per sec from all people now fixing their sites
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