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Video Games Zone Discussion zone about Nintendo , Playstion , Xbobx360 , NDS , Wii and Microsoft Console, rate you best console games

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Old 05-19-2011, 11:06 PM
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Default [Multi] Shank (2011)

Shank (2011/ENG/RUS)
Year: 2011 | Developer: Klei Entertainment | Publisher: Electronic Arts | Language: English, Russian | PC | 2.12 GB
Genre: Arcade (Platform)

Shank - a two-dimensional slasher with a nice cartoon graphics. Local hero equally clever are operating with knives, guns and a chainsaw. And does it almost simultaneously. If the movie "Machete" makes the game, then she would have had to become Shank. This is a cruel comic - just not noir, and trash-action movie, daring comedy.

- Style "cruel" comic strip: you will find a comic with a very smooth and brutal two-dimensional animation in the history of video games.
- System combinations for weapons: invent a terrible and devastating combination of blows on the go! In your arsenal - the richest set of weapons against which none can resist the enemy.
- Severe thriller with elements of the detective: professionally animated fight scenes are strung on entangled detective story. Shank will tell you the story of revenge and redemption, which has never been on a PC.
- Local mode for two players: Take a friend and assistant pave the way with him over the corpses of hundreds of malicious and well-armed enemies in the prologue to the single-player game.

System requirements:
- Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7
- Processor: Intel Pentium IV 2.7 GHz
- Memory: 1 GB XP / 2 GB Vista / 7
- Video card: ATI Radeon X1800 GTO / GeForce 6800 Ultra 256 MB
- Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
- Free hard drive space: 2 GB




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