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Google The search engine. This is for discussion about Google : SEO, PageRank , Serps

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Old 05-07-2010, 04:34 PM
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Default New Google Interface Sucks?

I don't like it. Why did they have to change their user-friendly interface.. it was perfect! And they don't even have an option to revert to the old one..

PS: If you're not seeing it, good for you.

If you're not seeing it, its probably because of your cache. But like I said, good for you. The previous one is much better.

The new search layout is much more Yahoo-ish. Sucks.
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Old 05-07-2010, 04:34 PM
speedo speedo is offline
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I have this ugly, useless, bing-copying layout now. I tried clearing my cookies but now it's there for good.

I just don't understand why they keep changing it. They say they care so much about user experience. From what I can see, most users hate this new look. They probably changed it because the new version gets more clicks for sponsored ads. They care about the money more than the users.

I won't be surprised if Bing starts growing a lot in search traffic now. Nice job Google. Don't fix stuff that isn't broken. You're ruining your company.
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Old 06-29-2010, 06:23 AM
Dale Steyn Dale Steyn is offline
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I tried it also and it screwed up my browser and my mail. It was too slow loading. Overall, it looked like a neat program at first, until I started encountering so many problems. It's neat but I wouldn't try it again.
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