Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary 16th Edition
With more than 80,000 entries and 220,000 pronunciations, Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary is the ultimate guide to English pronunciation and now comes with a CD-ROM. Thousands of pronunciations not shown in general dictionaries are included, from people and places, to words from science, technology and literature, such as Beckham, Eminem, Google, Prozac. Key Features
- Full coverage of British and North American pronunciation using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
- Colour headwords.
- New! 200 information panels explain phonetics terminology and the relationship between spelling and pronunciation. And now available with a CD-ROM!
- Spoken pronunciations for every word.
- Facility to record your own pronunciation and compare it with the voice on the CD-ROM.
- Search by alphabet or phonetic symbols.
- Interactive pronunciation exercises.