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Old 09-01-2012, 06:17 PM
emil2992 emil2992 is offline
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Default Chess Endgame - A Large Collection

Chess Endgame - A Large Collection [652.08 MiB]


Endgame/Alburt, Lev - Just the Facts! Winning Endgame Knowledge in One Volume.djvu 5.6 MB
[Download Endgame/Beliavsky, Alexander - Winning Endgame Strateg.pdf] Endgame/Beliavsky, Alexander - Winning Endgame Strateg.pdf 12 MB
[Download Endgame/Chernev, Irving - Capablanca Best Chess Endings.pdf] Endgame/Chernev, Irving - Capablanca Best Chess Endings.pdf 6.8 MB
[Download Endgame/Chernev, Irving - Capablanca's Best Chess Endings.djvu] Endgame/Chernev, Irving - Capablanca's Best Chess Endings.djvu 2.3 MB
[Download Endgame/Chernev, Irving - Chessboard Magic! - 160 Brilliant Chess Endings (1st edition, single pages).pdf] Endgame/Chernev, Irving - Chessboard Magic! - 160 Brilliant Chess Endings (1st edition, single pages).pdf 3.2 MB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.a01] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.a01 9.7 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.a02] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.a02 9.7 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.axx] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.axx 0.3 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.bo0] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.bo0 1.3 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.cdp] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.cdp 0.6 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.d00] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.d00 73.1 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.d01] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.d01 2.4 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.d02] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.d02 0.6 MB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.dxx] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.dxx 0.3 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.elm] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.elm 0.2 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.emb] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.emb 0.2 MB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.hsh] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.hsh 0.1 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.st0] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.st0 0.5 KB
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[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.ti0] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.ti0 9.7 KB
[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.ue0] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CA/CI5-99endings.ue0 0.1 KB
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[Download Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CBH/CI5-99endings.ini] Endgame/Chess Informant 5-99 Endings Section by Domovina (CB, CA, PGN databases)/CBH/CI5-99endings.ini 0.6 KB
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