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Old 01-28-2011, 03:33 PM
JavaScriptBank JavaScriptBank is offline
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Default JavaScript Add More Unlimited Input Fields

The type of this JavaScript effect can be seen on many upload-allowance sites, such as Youtube, Flickr, ImageShack, Picasa, etc. That's your visitors can upload files through this JavaScript code, aft... [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...] at [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...]

How to setup

Step 1: Use CSS code below for styling the script
<style type="text/css">
     This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com
     Come to view and download over 2000+ free javascript at www.JavaScriptBank.com
#imageUpload input {
	display: block;
Step 2: Use JavaScript code below to setup the script
<script type="text/javascript">
// Created by: Jeroen Haan | http://www.haan.net
// This script downloaded from JavaScriptBank.com

function fileFields() {
	 var x = document.getElementById('imageUpload');
	 x.onclick = function() {
  		var i = parseFloat(this.lastChild.id)+1;
  		input = document.createElement("input");
  		input.setAttribute("type", "file");
  		input.setAttribute("name", 'imageName_' + i);
  		input.setAttribute("id", i);

// Multiple onload function created by: Simon Willison
// http://simonwillison.net/2004/May/26/addLoadEvent/
function addLoadEvent(func) {
  var oldonload = window.onload;
  if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
    window.onload = func;
  } else {
    window.onload = function() {
      if (oldonload) {

addLoadEvent(function() {
Step 3: Place HTML below in your BODY section
<a href="#" id="imageUpload"><input type="file" name="imageName_1" id="1" /></a>

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Old 01-29-2011, 01:41 AM
JavaScriptBank JavaScriptBank is offline
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Default JavaScript Color Gradient Maker

With this [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...], you can easy make [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...], [url="http://www.javascriptbank.com/=JavaScript color gradient"]JavaScript color gradient</a... [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...] at [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...]

How to setup

Step 1: Place JavaScript below in your HEAD section
<script type="text/javascript">
// Created by: Joseph Myers | http://www.codelib.net/
// This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com

function colorscale(hexstr, scalefactor) {
/* declared variables first, in order;
  afterwards, undeclared local variables */
  var r = scalefactor;
  var a, i;
  if (r < 0 || typeof(hexstr) != 'string')
    return hexstr;
    hexstr = hexstr.replace(/[^0-9a-f]+/ig, '');
    if (hexstr.length == 3) {
    a = hexstr.split('');
  } else if (hexstr.length == 6) {
    a = hexstr.match(/(\w{2})/g);
  } else
    return hexstr;
  for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
    if (a[i].length == 2)
      a[i] = parseInt(a[i], 16);
    else {
      a[i] = parseInt(a[i], 16);
      a[i] = a[i]*16 + a[i];

var maxColor = parseInt('ff', 16);

function relsize(a) {
  if (a == maxColor)
  return Infinity;
  return a/(maxColor-a);

function relsizeinv(y) {
  if (y == Infinity)
  return maxColor;
  return maxColor*y/(1+y);

for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
  a[i] = relsizeinv(relsize(a[i])*r);
  a[i] = Math.floor(a[i]).toString(16);
  if (a[i].length == 1)
  a[i] = '0' + a[i];
return a.join('');

function showrainbow(f) {
  var colorcell, hex, i, nhex;
  hex = f.orig.value;
  hex = hex.replace(/\W/g, '');
  nhex = colorscale(hex, f.scalef.value-0);
  if (nhex != hex) {
    f.outp.value = nhex;
    colorcell = document.getElementById('origcolor');
    i = document.getElementById('newcolor');
    colorcell.style.background = '#' + hex;
    i.style.background = '#' + nhex;
    for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
      colorcell = document.getElementById('colorcell'+i);
      nhex = colorscale(hex, i/(256-i));
      colorcell.style.background = '#' + nhex;
      colorcell.nhexvalue = nhex;
Step 2: Copy & Paste HTML code below in your BODY section
<div style="width: 400px;">
Original color: <input type="text" name="orig" value="339990"><br>
Scale factor: <input type="text" name="scalef" value="4"><br>
<input type="button" value="Output" onclick="showrainbow(this.form)">
<input type="text" readonly name="outp" style="border: none;">

<table width="150">
<td width="50%" height="50" id="origcolor">Original</td>
<td width="50%" id="newcolor">New</td></tr>

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<script type="text/javascript">
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
document.write('<td width="10" height="50" id="colorcell', i, '" onclick="document.forms[0].outp.value = this.nhexvalue"></td>');


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Old 01-29-2011, 02:16 AM
JavaScriptBank JavaScriptBank is offline
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Default Built-in JavaScript RegEx APIs

Regular Expressions (RegEx) skills are the indispensable knowledges if you would like become a professional JavaScript coder particularly, or a professional programmer generally; because of a lot of p... [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...] at [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...]

How to setup

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Old 02-05-2011, 01:01 AM
JavaScriptBank JavaScriptBank is offline
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Default JavaScript OOP with Input Display Toggle

Usage of this JavaScript code effect is just toggle (show/display) the input text fields when the users click the specified input checkboxes. But this JavaScript code example made with OOP skills, it'... [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...] at [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...]

How to setup

Step 1: Copy & Paste JavaScript code below in your HEAD section
<script type="text/javascript">
// Created by: Fang | http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?p=872326#post872326
// This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com

function addElement() {
var aInput=document.getElementById('myspan').getElementsByTagName('input');
for(var i=0; i<aInput.length; i++) {
    aInput[i].onclick=new Function('addDelete(this)');

function addDelete(obj) {
var parentSpan=document.getElementById('myspan');
if(obj.nextSibling.nodeName!='INPUT') { // add
    var oInputText=document.createElement('input');
    oInputText.setAttribute('type', 'text');
    parentSpan.insertBefore(oInputText, obj.nextSibling);
else { // delete

// Multiple onload function created by: Simon Willison
// http://simonwillison.net/2004/May/26/addLoadEvent/
function addLoadEvent(func) {
  var oldonload = window.onload;
  if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
    window.onload = func;
  } else {
    window.onload = function() {
      if (oldonload) {

addLoadEvent(function() {
Step 2: Copy & Paste HTML code below in your BODY section
<span id="myspan">
  <input type="checkbox">

  <input type="checkbox">
  <input type="checkbox">

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Old 02-05-2011, 03:25 AM
JavaScriptBank JavaScriptBank is offline
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Default JavaScript Text Auto-Select onClick

If this JavaScript code example installed on a web page, when users click on text-container HTML elements then it will select all of its inner text automatically.

At present, this JavaScript code m... [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...] at [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...]

How to setup

Step 1: Place JavaScript below in your HEAD section
<script type="text/javascript">
// Created by: Matt Murphy | http://www.matts411.com/
// This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com

function autoSelect(selectTarget) {
 	if(selectTarget != null && ((selectTarget.childNodes.length == 1
      && selectTarget.childNodes[0].nodeName == "#text") || (selectTarget.tagName == "INPUT"
      && selectTarget.type == "text"))) {
  		if(selectTarget.tagName == 'TEXTAREA' || (selectTarget.tagName == "INPUT" && selectTarget.type == "text")) {
  		} else if(window.getSelection) { // FF, Safari, Opera
   			var sel = window.getSelection();
   			var range = document.createRange();
  		} else { // IE
   			var range = document.body.createTextRange();
Step 2: Copy & Paste HTML code below in your BODY section
<h4 style="margin-bottom: 0;">A <code>div</code> Element:</h4>

<div onclick="autoSelect(this);">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam ultrices vestibulum elit. Mauris congue sapien sed dolor. Pellentesque sem augue, porttitor id, placerat ac, congue ac, eros. Etiam fermentum consectetuer pede. Donec tincidunt. Suspendisse non nisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer porta egestas sapien.

<h4 style="margin-bottom: 0;">An <code>input</code> Element:</h4>
<input type="text" size="50" onclick="autoSelect(this);" value="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.">

<h4 style="margin-bottom: 0;">A <code>textarea</code> Element:</h4>
<textarea rows="5" cols="30" onclick="autoSelect(this);">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam ultrices vestibulum elit. Mauris congue sapien sed dolor. Pellentesque sem augue, porttitor id, placerat ac, congue ac, eros. Etiam fermentum consectetuer pede.


<h4 style="margin-bottom: 0;">A <code>pre</code> Element:</h4>
<pre onclick="autoSelect(this);">
function toggle_visibility(id) {
  var e = document.getElementById(id);
  if(e.style.display == 'none')
    e.style.display = 'block';
    e.style.display = 'none';

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Old 02-05-2011, 04:31 AM
JavaScriptBank JavaScriptBank is offline
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Default Picture Gallery with Display Switcher

This is really very cool and amazing picture gallery to promote your personal/business pictures on the web. With two type of displaying, this JavaScript gallery script allow users to switch the layout... [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...] at [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...]

How to setup

Step 1: Place CSS below in your HEAD section
<style type="text/css">
body {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 50px 0 0;
	font: 10px normal Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	color: #fff;
* {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;

img {
	border: none;
h1 {
	font: 5em normal Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;
	margin-bottom: 20px;
h1 span { 	color: #e7ff61; }
h1 small{
	font: 0.2em normal Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	letter-spacing: 1.5em;
	display: block;
	color: #ccc;

.container {
	width: 758px;
	margin: 0 auto;
	padding-bottom: 100px;
	overflow: hidden;
ul.display {
	float: left;
	width: 756px;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	list-style: none;
	border-top: 1px solid #333;
	border-right: 1px solid #333;
	background: #222;
ul.display li {
	float: left;
	width: 754px;
	padding: 10px 0;
	margin: 0;
	border-top: 1px solid #111;
	border-right: 1px solid #111;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #333;
	border-left: 1px solid #333;
ul.display li a {
	color: #e7ff61;
	text-decoration: none;
ul.display li .content_block {
	padding: 0 10px;
ul.display li .content_block h2 {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 5px;
	font-weight: normal;
	font-size: 1.7em;

ul.display li .content_block p {
	margin: 0;
	padding: 5px 5px 5px 245px;
	font-size: 1.2em;
ul.display li .content_block a img{
	padding: 5px;
	border: 2px solid #ccc;
	background: #fff;
	margin: 0 15px 0 0;
	float: left;

ul.thumb_view li{
	width: 250px;
ul.thumb_view li h2 {
	display: inline;
ul.thumb_view li p{
	display: none;
ul.thumb_view li .content_block a img {
	margin: 0 0 10px;

a.switch_thumb {
	width: 122px;
	height: 26px;
	line-height: 26px;
	padding: 0;
	margin: 10px 0;
	display: block;
	background: url(switch.gif) no-repeat;
	outline: none;
	text-indent: -9999px;
a:hover.switch_thumb {
	-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=75)";
a.swap { background-position: left bottom; }

Step 2: Use JavaScript code below to setup the script
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascript/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	  $("ul.display").fadeOut("fast", function() {
	  }, function () {
	  $("ul.display").fadeOut("fast", function() {

Step 3: Place HTML below in your BODY section
<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="switch_thumb">Switch Thumb</a> 
<ul style="display: block;" class="display">
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample2.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample3.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample4.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample5.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample6.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample7.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample8.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample9.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. Woman kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw
mobilehome stew trailer driveway shootin'.</p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample10.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample11.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
			<p>Askin', jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors spell. </p>
		<div class="content_block">
			<a href="#"><img src="sample12.gif" alt=""></a>
			<h2><a href="#">Image Name</a></h2>
jehosephat come pudneer, sam-hell, in lament had. Cabin tax-collectors
spell, chitlins spittin' watchin' hootch me rightly kinfolk that. Woman
kickin', work yer last dogs, rattler hee-haw mobilehome stew trailer
driveway shootin'. </p>
Step 4: downloads
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Old 02-16-2011, 01:51 AM
JavaScriptBank JavaScriptBank is offline
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Posts: 207
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Default JavaScript Proper Social Security Number Validation

One more [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...] to accept numeric characters. But this JavaScript will work in the different manner, it on... [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...] at [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...]

How to setup

Step 1: Place JavaScript below in your HEAD section
<script type="text/javascript">
// Created by: Mr. J | http://www.huntingground.net
// This script downloaded from www.JavaScriptBank.com

function advance2(currentField,nextField,limit) {
  if(nextField!="rset"&&document.myForm2[currentField].value.length == limit){
  } else {
    if (document.myForm2[currentField].value.length == limit) {
Step 2: Place HTML below in your BODY section
This form is formatted for a social security number (XXX-XX-XXXX).</p>

<form name="myForm2" onreset="this.rset.disabled='true'; this.rset.style.backgroundColor=''">
<input type="text" name="t1" size="6" onclick="select()" onKeyUp="advance2('t1','t2',3)">
<input type="text" name="t2" size="6" onclick="select()" onKeyUp="advance2('t2','t3',2)">
<input type="text" name="t3" size="6" onclick="select()" onKeyUp="advance2('t3','rset',4)">
<input type="reset" name="rset" onclick="this.blur()" disabled>

<div style="text-align: left; width: 70%;">
The limit for each individual field is passed to the function by the appropriate input event, as shown in the form using the format: <code>onKeyUp="advance2('currentField','nextField',limit)</code>"</p>

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