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Google The search engine. This is for discussion about Google : SEO, PageRank , Serps

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Old 09-07-2012, 02:02 AM
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VincentWilliam VincentWilliam is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Default I have listed below some of the things that will help you a lot in marketing your web

1. Submit your website to all search engines by getting yourself a webmaster account with Google, Yahoo and Bing. You also need to submit on sitemaps. It is not necessary to have a finished website before you start your submission. It takes time to be listed in the engines. Be an early bird, so you'll catch the worm!

2. Decide on the keywords that will be most advantageous for your site. There is a lot of competition over the internet that is why picking the keywords should be a very well thought part of your game plan. The best way to know the perfect keywords is by having yourself play as the audience. As an audience, what will you type if you are looking for the product that you are selling?

3. The Title or the meta title plays a very important role in search query. It is the first thing that search engine sees whenever it looks for all the possible result to the query. Catchy titles would be good for your readers but make sure it will also be attractive for search engine robots. So, make sure your Meta counts!

4. Put the best H1 Tags possible. H1 Tags aka header tags basically tells everyone what your website is about. It is like the heading of a paragraph which provides a teaser of your product/site. H1 tags may have small participation as with the way it looks but helps a lot in your SEO.

These are just some of the basic things in SEO that can help you with accomplishing you goal -that is to gain more traffic and possible profits!
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