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Old 01-01-2009, 10:41 AM
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Default aka-aki v0.9.0 - Information on the people around [UpdatE 15 Dec'08]

aka-aki v0.9.0 - Information on the people around [UpdatE 15 Dec'08]
aka-aki v0.9.0

The software for mobile phones shows information on the people around within a circle of 20 meters. Further it allows to see what your friends are up to right now, to exchange instant messages and to show the people around who you are. Aka-aki-members can see on the website who they
ve met recently in their
diary of encounters
. The service uses Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices and runs with 9 out of 10 mobile phones. GPS or other state-of-the-art-technology is not needed. Aka-aki is free of charge. Using the optional software for mobile devices requires a mobile internet connection which can cause connection fees.

what’s new in v0.9.0
* aki world mobile: starting immediately, you can find out the current intermediate results of the aki of the week game while on the go. You see the current top 5, last week’s winner and your own current ranking.
* find more by searching: from now on you can search for people and stickers with the mobile phone application. Keyword or username is all you need.
* inspiration, anyone? Sure. Starting immediately, you can display a list of currently popular stickers and brush up your profile while on the go.
* the moose has befriended twitter. You can now have the changes in your aka-aki status line be automatically posted to your twitter account. Who wants to type the same thing twice?

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