Photos of the first dual SIM-enabled luxurious handset leaked online. The hand-crafted Samsung S9402 Duos relies on exquisite materials and great build-quality to impress potential buyers. The rhodium-plated body is resistant to almost any kind of mechanical damage and disruption and is among the most expensive precious metals.
In addition to the attractive looks and quirky name the Samsung S9402 will have a 262K color OLED display and a 5 megapixel autofocus camera. The network data transfers will have to go through GPRS or EDGE on both SIM cards since the new Duos has no support for 3G networks
The internal memory of Samsung S9402 Duos is 1GB and can be expanded further through the microSD card slot. The list of features of the handsets is completed by USB and Bluetooth (v 2.0).