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Old 10-10-2008, 03:34 PM
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Default Redesign Your Site to Increase Profits

A business website does more than just pass on information to your visitors about what it is that you do. This is of course a main function, but essentially the purpose most business websites is to increase profitability in some way. Your business site may be skipped over if it is not kept up to date and fresh in appearance. In some cases when a site is underperforming the content may need to be rethought and a more persuasive stance may be needed.

Redesigning a website can be a very important strategy as the refreshed look and approach can attract visitors and convert more sales if done properly. Older sites often don’t appear to be up with the times, and this can give users the feeling that the people behind the site are not up with the times as well. This can lead to a drop in confidence from site users and may in fact effect the bottom line.

When do you need to redesign the website?

Just ask yourself a few basic questions. See if your current website is still performing the functions that it used to. Is it still capable of fulfilling all the online marketing objectives? Look at other up to date or new Landing page design. Does your site match in over all look and feel. If you think that you need to add some more functions, update contents, give a more elegant look, or enhance the websites overall image then you really should consider a site redesign.

A site redesign every few years can be just as important as the initial design was. People will always welcome a fresh change whether it is the look of the site or the content it contains. If your site is given a new makeover, it will generate more leads and attract attention. In fact you can announce the redesign as an actual strategy to gain visitors.

Things you need to remember when you are redesigning your websites

Redesigning your site needs to be done with thoughtful planning and consideration.
If you are not a designer, consider hiring a professional to do the job. Make sure your new design looks good and contains proper logical flow of information. If you have perfect site structure, you don’t necessarily need to change it. Just give it a new look graphically.

Also with a site redesign, be sure to keep the same page URL’s. You don’t want to change the [Only Registered users can see links . Click Here To Register...] names and lose back-links to the site. This is easy to do when redesigning a static CSS based page. When going from a CSS/XHTML site to a content management system however, it can be tricky.

The home page should be given top priority. Make sure to include all important information which will encourage visitors to search deeper into the site. When the redesign is done, compare the two sites yourself, and ask others to take a look as well. Have friends, family, or colleagues navigate the site in an attempt to find parts that are not working properly or that don’t look good.
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