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Old 08-22-2008, 08:44 AM
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Default Adsense Section Targeting helps to increase adsense revenue

The answear is that this feature allows you to take a small area on your website in order to point relevancy to your adsense ads.

If you have huge amount of content based on different niche, and you want to show the ads which are relevan only to one section I知 sure that you have to try Section targeting.

We know that when you place your ads on your website (ex: Homepage), the ads would be rotated with relevancy to any of the informations/content on the page you placed in the ads, but if you are interested in showing ads which are just relevant to the first paragraph of your articles or just the content area you need to implement section targeting.

How to Implement Section Targeting ?

Look at the examples below:

HTML Code:
<!末 google_ad_section_start 末>

Here all your website content

<!末 google_ad_section_end 末>
if you want all your website痴 content to be under section targeting you can frame up:
HTML Code:
<title>Title of your website</title>
<!末 google_ad_section_start 末>

Here is your website content

<!末 google_ad_section_end 末>
But make sure if you target a very small area of the content of the website, maybe you will not get paid for the ads IF there aren稚 much advertisers for this niche as you can call the ads then a PSA (Public service ads).. So you have to be careful while you池e targeting your ads to any section of your website.

Maybe you would say that I better leave the ads rotated with relevancy to the whole content of the page so I can earn more, I壇 like to tell you that when you use the section targeting you can show up many different ads niches in 1 page, so every visitor is interested in a niche so you can earn more clicks and you know it means more money
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