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Old 06-24-2011, 05:06 PM
socolathui01 socolathui01 is offline
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Default [WU] Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 + UPS 2011 (2010/PC/MULTI2)

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 + UPS 2011 (2010/PC/MULTI2) Repack by XD

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 + UPS 2011 (2010/PC/MULTI2) Repack by XD
PC | ENG/RUS | Developer: Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo | Publisher: Konami | 2010 | 6.82 GB
Genre: Sport (Soccer) / 3D

Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 will give you a whole new experience of football, incredible realism and quality of management, many improvements and the most radical changes in the history of the series. Awaits you complete freedom of action, full control of each transmission, stroke, various passes and much more. In addition, PES 2011 has been done many wonderful small changes. Judges have been improved and the goalkeeper, a new algorithm commentators diversity of their story about the game, the AI has been redesigned,

and the overall complexity of the game uvelichilas.Proizoshli changes in the Master League Online. You can now create their own clubs and play against each other online and share players to assemble the strongest igrokov.I much more ...

. Absolute control - Team PES Productions improved the system passes through 360 °, providing an unprecedented level of control over every transmission, kick, throw, and a canopy. This makes it possible to send the ball anywhere, and absolutely free to play the game. Need to carefully calibrate passes, to anticipate the maneuvers teammates and wisely used to move them. You can even "put pressure" on the opponent to make him throw the ball.
. The impact and endurance - In addition to the overall scale of state power players reflects an additional indicator of impact and endurance. Persistent rapid rush a negative impact on performance football and its impact on traffic, in particular, the passing game will be slow and inaccurate.
. New AI Defense - Defenders now the most naturally retain their positions, not rushing to every ball, trapped in their area. Confronting the attacker, they prefer to get close and make him make a mistake.
. Animation and Physics of players - The players move more smoothly and naturally, showing the more lifelike than ever, acceleration and inertia. In addition, the numerous requests of fans of the series, improved physical contact between players. Tremors and blocking now look impressive, but the methods to intercept the ball is impressive diversity. Animation and also contributed to the game atmosphere: even without the ball players behave naturally - they run and walk in different ways, showing individuality.
. Speed of Play - A new level of control requires a higher rate, will vary depending on the situation. Emotions run high during a counterattack, but the players can force their opponent through the leisurely pace of rebuilding and moving forward through space. Long runs from the middle of the field is now difficult, and to succeed, you need to make quick passes

System requirements:
. Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/Win7
. Processor: Pentium 4 2.5 GHz or equivalent Athlon performance
. Memory: 1 GB RAM (2 GB Vista ® / Windows 7)
. Hard disk: 8 Gb of free space
. Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX ® 9.0
. Video: NVIDIA GeForce FX or ATI Radeon 9700 128MB with support for Pixel Shader 2.0

UPS 2011
. Winter transfers
. All 32 clubs in the Champions League
- League:
. Barclays Premier League (20 clubs)
. NPOWER Championship (18 clubs)
. Bundesliga (18 clubs)
. Serie A (20 clubs)
. Russian Premier League (16 teams)
. Liga Bbva (20 clubs)
. Ukraine Preimer League (16 teams)
The choice of the selector
. Russian First Division (18 clubs)
. Persha Football League of Ukraine (18 clubs)
. Npower Championatship (18 clubs)
. Serie B (18 clubs)
. 2 Bundesliga (18 clubs)
. Segunda Liga Adelante (18 clubs)
. Uefa (70 clubs)
. Copa Libertadores (20 clubs)
. Friendship Cup (42 clubs)
. Teams of Armenia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Moldova are playable in all modes, including in the "Become a Legend"
. And so, instead of Copa Libertadores - Friendship Cup

Features RePacka:
. For the basis the European version of the license.
. Do not cut no recoded
. The quality of audio / video 100%.
. Optional installation UltiMATePatch Season 2011
. Installing additional. Software: DirectX, VcRedist
. For unpacking 1gb RAM
. There is a folder with the DLC UPL 7.1 + installation instructions (so as not to swing with games)
. Installation time ~ 35 minutes
. Repack by XD)

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