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Google The search engine. This is for discussion about Google : SEO, PageRank , Serps

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Old 05-20-2011, 06:23 PM
sarahbrooks sarahbrooks is offline
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Default create a landing page

how to create a landing page
How to create a landing page?
1. Load up your HTML editor.
2. Insert a new table - about 600-700 pixels wide.
3. Add your attention grabbing headline.
4. Add your bold sub-heading.
5. Add a short introduction (a paragraph or two). You must make the paragraph dramatic. Make the reader feel the pain or desire if they did or didn't have this problem.
6. Add 5-7 short, sharp, bold & salivating bullet points about what your reader will discover after they opt-in to see your sales letter/download your report.
7. Add your call to action, i.e. "Act Now!", "Sign-Up Here", "Limited Time Offer!"
Now your reader wants to know what to do next.
This is where you tell them to fill in their first name and primary email address.
8. Copy & Paste the opt-in form.
9. Upload your name squeeze page files to your web host server.
10. Watch your opt-ins soar
I suggest you add tracking code to your Squeeze Pages, such as Google Analytics (free through Google). By tracking the results of your Squeeze Pages you can determine what works and what needs to be changed. This way you can optimize your landing pages and ultimately increase your landing page conversion rate
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