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Old 07-31-2010, 09:36 AM
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Default Top 10 Ways to get Booted from a Webmaster Foum

Here's my list. Most of these work in pretty much any forum. I've tried a few of them personally and can attest to their effectiveness.

TOP 10 Ways to get booted from a webmaster forum:

1. See how many threads you can start in fifteen minutes. For better speed, consider copying the content from other forums.

2. Make as many negative personal remarks about other members as possible. For extra credit, start with the mods.

3. Webmaster forums are a good place for religious conversion. Be sure everyone knows yours is the ONE true path, and theirs sucks donkey-sweat.

4. Never plug your own product in the forum... it looks unseemly. Use your other ID to do this.

5. It's tough to keep sales threads rolling, especially if nobody's interested. May take several of your other IDs to overcome this obstacle.

6. Be proactive. We all love "Can Facebook Improve My SEM?" threads by the guy with the sig "Improve your SEM with Facebook!". Be sure it sounds like you sincerely need the answer.

7. The forum software stops profanity. This is to see how creative you can be at getting around it.

8. The Reputation feature is a great spot to enable some "filthy b@stard" to have a permanent record of your opinion.

9. If an allowed practice doesnt meet your approval... impugn the integrity of as many mods as possible. Helps to accuse them of profiting from it. For best results use the "Report Post" feature (the more often you do it, the sooner they'll learn).

10. The suggestions forum is where you tell the admin what the rules *should* say. Start the day you arrive so they'll get it right quickly.
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Old 03-26-2011, 03:17 AM
wordpress_themes wordpress_themes is offline
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4. Never plug your own product in the forum... it looks unseemly. Use your other ID to do this.

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Old 03-26-2011, 03:23 PM
johnnycanderson johnnycanderson is offline
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A greater emphasis on traffic to highlight the Survey and Mapping Office, because we know how quickly information can be separated by network users. Article marketing, video marketing, press releases, blog comments, e-mail signature, social, etc. are also the best way to get high traffic sites.
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Old 05-17-2011, 06:40 AM
madelinedn madelinedn is offline
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Here are the Ways to get booted from a webmaster forum:

A website can help you generate a professional image
Business Information is available 24/7
Provide Research information
Reach desirable Demographic Markets
Existence is Everything
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Old 03-12-2012, 09:53 AM
firstservicesnevda firstservicesnevda is offline
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A greater emphasis on traffic to highlight the Survey and Mapping Office, because we know how quickly information can be separated by network users. Article marketing, video marketing, press releases, blog comments, e-mail signature, social, etc. are also the best way to get high traffic sites.
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