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Old 10-17-2009, 11:34 PM
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Default Update on Subdreamer CMS 3

Development of Subdreamer CMS 3 is taking longer than expected, our original goal was to have it released by the end of last month. Unfortunately, that was not possible and the new date it will be released in October 31st 2009.

During July they ran a large promotion with discounts on Subdreamer CMS licenses & download subscriptions. they don't want their customers thinking they were deceived due to the delay. Therefor, if a custumer made a purchase during the time of discount then h should know that his expiration to downloads & updates will be updated to reflect the delay of Subdreamer CMS 3. If Subdreamer CMS is released on October 31st, then they will renew his account by 3 months.
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