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Old 09-27-2009, 09:31 PM
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Default Tips to Optimize Your Landing Pages

The primary objective of a landing page is to help you to presell your products or services. By highlighting the salient features and benefits of your affiliate product, the landing page persuades your prospective customers to click at the affiliate link and buy the product from your website. For all this to happen, your landing page should be properly optimized. Here are top tips to optimize your landing page .

The Headline Should Be Compelling
Studies reveal that prospects take approximately 8-seconds to decide whether a particular landing page is useful or not. For this reason, the headline should be able to grab attention, arouse curiosity and compel the visitor to stay, read on and finally, buy the product. It should be simple, well-structured, easy to understand and appealing. It should have the power to stir up the visitor emotionally as well as convince him that your product would solve all his problems.

The Content Should Be Relevant
Every enterprise has its own specific niche market, and the customers of a particular niche have a unique set of problems and requirements. Thus, the contents of your landing page should target the customers of your niche market. They should clearly state the most important features of your product. Additionally, they should also highlight the benefits of your product. Furthermore, they should be relevant. For instance, if your landing page is promoting a skin care product, then avoid talking about an electronic product. After going through your landing page, the visitor should know what kind of product you are selling and why it is essential for him. All in all, the contents should instigate, motivate and persuade the reader to take action immediately.

Persuasive Message and Call to Action
Every successful sales person has a magical message that he uses in the end to convert a prospect into a customer. Your landing page is that proficient salesperson; so, it should also have a persuasive message. The message, on the one hand, should instill confidence in the prospect, and on the other hand, it should compel him to take action immediately. Convincing messages like, ‘Join millions of satisfied people that use…’ are found to increase conversion rate by leaps and bounds. The accompanying call to action should not be a direct message that asks for some kind of commitment like ‘Subscribe’, ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Add to Cart. Such messages serve to turn off the prospect. On the contrary, messages as ‘Try it Now’ or ‘Try it’ have a softer tone, but they improve the conversion rate dramatically.

Engender Trust and Security
Brand, testimonials and security icons help to generate confidence in a short span of time. A majority of your prospects would be visiting your landing page for the first time. They do not know how effective is your product and how trustworthy are you? It takes time to build confidence, but the irony is that you don’t have that much of time. In such a scenario, brand name, testimonials and security icons, as VeriSign and eTrust, improve the effectiveness of your landing page as well as instill confidence in the prospect
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Old 08-20-2011, 10:37 AM
petercheck1 petercheck1 is offline
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Studies reveal that prospects take approximately 8-seconds to decide whether a particular landing page is useful or not. For this reason, the headline should be able to grab attention, arouse curiosity and compel the visitor to stay, read on and finally, buy the product. It should be simple, well-structured, easy to understand and appealing. It should have the power to stir up the visitor emotionally as well as convince him that your product would solve all his problems.
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Old 08-25-2011, 09:40 AM
petercheck1 petercheck1 is offline
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Check your headline. There’s not always a perfect headline, but there are a lot of bad ones. Most users will make the decision to stay or go within seconds of visiting your landing page. Your headline MUST catch the user’s attention immediately and compel them to keep reading.
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Old 03-30-2012, 12:06 PM
delois delois is offline
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The tips to optimize landing page are like you should keep your landing page simple and decide when it should be appearing. Give proper title and description of your landing page.

Last edited by delois; 09-13-2012 at 06:58 AM.
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Old 05-31-2012, 10:23 AM
brainusa brainusa is offline
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The landing page must be attractive because it seems product information and description to customers. If this page looks attractive then it easily attracts users to click on any product to buy. So, it's good to perfectly optimized landing page with effective ideas. Another thing to consider for a landing page is page loading speed, make the page simple so it need less time to load landing page.
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Last edited by brainusa; 09-10-2012 at 10:29 AM.
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Old 09-24-2012, 01:24 PM
rasynomarlo rasynomarlo is offline
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A landing page of the website is should really be very impressive, regarding any business or the product associated with that website. A perfect landing page is enough to rise the sell of the products or to enhance the business through the website. Hence all sorts of attentions should be given while designing a landing page of the website.
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