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Old 09-26-2009, 04:48 PM
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Default Adsense Tips : 5 Adsense Tips for higer CTR and revenue

Google Adsense is one of the most widely used income generating program on the web. Most of the blogs and websites survive on income from Google adsense. As long as Google keeps its adsense model running, we’ll see a lot of adsense related blogs and websites online.

But not all blogs or websites make money with adsense, there is a science and method to increasing adsense revenues by tweaking adsense units and ads. A slight change to your adsense units can result in anywhere between 10 % to 25 % increase in your CTRs (click through rates), thus resulting an increase in adsense revenues

Here are a few Adsense tips that will help you increase your CTRs with a slight modification in Adsense unit colours :

1) Design your website to highlight adsense:
Every website is different in terms of design and theme, as a website or blog owner you need to ensure that the colours of the adsense units blend into the design and theme of your site or blog. You need to ensure that the look of your page ensures attention of your ads. Many websites have strong graphic elements that catch the eye – usually at the expense of the Adsense units. If you are using adsense units, be judicious in the selection of the fonts, font size, colours, images, ad tables and other visual aspects of your website. Try to draw subtle attention to your adsense units, make them the star of your website or blog.

2) Make the border go :
- By opting to remove the border of the adsense units, you will increase the CTR of the ads by more than double the existing click rate. Removing the border makes teh ad look less like an ad and more like content. Remember the more your adsense unit looks like an ad the less chances of your reader clicking on it. That’s the reason text based ad do better than image ads on adsense.

3 ) Use Three way matching :
- You’ ll need to tweak your adsense units on your website and blog to test for the optimum size and optimum ad units that increase your adsense revenues. The three way matching uses a combination of titles, text and background to make the ads more effective for clicks. Too make different ad sizes and units will only clutter your webpages and confuse your visitors. Try to make your ads not look like ads, ensure that the ad units blend into the content and design on your website or blog.

4 ) Blue is the best colour :
- To ensure have optimum clicks for your ads, you need to ensure that the ad are the same colour as the text on the rest of your page and the background matching the background colour of your web page or blog.

But what about the actual colour of the URL link for the ad, the line that the user is actually going to click ? What colour should that be ? The link should be blue in colour, the online users have come to believe that the links on the webpages are blue in colour and people are more likely to click on a blue link than a link in any other colour.

The line in your adsense code that sets the colour of your link is the one that says :
Google_colour_link = “#colour”;
“#colour” is the hexadecimal number for the colour you want to use. You should make sure that the number is #0000FF

Keep your links blue and you can experience an increase in click through rates of as high as 25 %.

5 ) Matching the URL display colour :
- You can change the colour of the adsense Title to attact the users attention, but according to Google’s adsense policy you still have to display the URL of the ads, but you dont have to display it in a way that people can see it. Adsense experiments have show that the user is less interested to click on the URL’s ,if thats the case then as an adsense publisher your income from adsense will not be high. One legitimate trick to make the click through link less obtrusive is to change the URL display colour to match the text description on your site or blog. Now the link will blend in with the text and the eye will be drawn in on the hyperlink instead of the URL.

Note that the 728 x 90 leaderboard and the 468 x 60 banner do not display the URL line by Google’s design. You will not get in trouble by not displaying the URL for these ad units, its just the way it is.
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