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Old 09-23-2009, 08:39 AM
webmastero webmastero is offline
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Default A question about PageRank VS Outgoing links

A question about PageRank VS Outgoing links
I know Pagerank has been covered a million times, and I'm sorry to bring it up again, but please hear me out as this isn't another "whens the next PR update" thread.

I was always under the impression that the more outgoing links a webpage (with PR) had, the more "link-juice" it would release, thus finding it harder to rettain its PR. For example, if both website X and website Y had PR5, but X had 5 outgoing links and Y had 20, website X would be more likely to keep its PR5 ranking (by not releasing too much link-juice).

Then in the shower today (when I was thinking of ways to improve incoming vs outgoing links) I realised I was looking at Pagerank from the perspective of the link "buyer". A person buying a link on a website will want a page with fewer outgoing links because it means that they get more of the "share", but that doesn't necessarily mean that website Y releases more link-juice than website X (in total), it just means that each outgoing link gets less because its shared around.

So my question is, does the number of outgoing links directly effect the pagerank of a website, or just the websites it is linking too. Do website X and website Y release the same amount of link-juice in total, or does website Y release more.

I hope the above makes sense. Please don't post if you're purely speculating or telling me that "PR is pointless".

Thanks for your time
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a question about pagerank, outgoing links, pagerank

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