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Old 07-14-2015, 12:12 PM
emil2992 emil2992 is offline
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Default Absolute Midnight - Clive Barker

Absolute Midnight - Clive Barker

"'I know that many of you here have waited years for this Hour,'" Mater Motley said, using that voice that, though it was barely conversational in volume, was somehow heard everywhere. 'The waiting is over. Tomorrow there will be no dawn. Only midnight, absolute and eternal.'"

And so begins a new chapter in the epic story of 16-year-old Candy Quackenbush and her journeys through the world of the Abarat, where every hour is an island in one eternal day, and nothing is as it seems.

Candy travels through the Abarat from island to island and across the sea with an unlikely band of friends: the escaped prisoner Malingo the Geshrat; the quarrelsome John Brothers, who all share the same body but never the same opinion; and the many other colorful characters they meet along the way.

The problem is that trouble finds Candy wherever she goes. And soon she discovers a secret plot, masterminded by the diabolical Mater Motley, who is obsessed with becoming Empress of the Islands. Her method is simple. She will darken the skies, putting out the suns, moons, and stars. She will bring absolute midnight.

Format: mp3
Language: English
Size: 343.5 MiB
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