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Old 04-24-2009, 02:19 PM
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Default 70 Best Linking Techniques

Link building is one of the most important parts of SEO. Here are some great link building techniques

  1. Link bait.
  2. Post link on forums in signature.
  3. Do something groundbreaking that gets picked up by a news site.
  4. Give freebies away.
  5. Link to others and they might link to you.
  6. Post your link as a source in Yahoo Answers or other questions sites.
  7. Link exchange.
  8. Insult another site. Ex, No Daddy
  9. Promote another site.
  10. Make an ebook.
  11. Produce great content.
  12. Start an affiliate program.
  13. Link from your other sites.
  14. Go to a dofollow blog and become a top commentator.
  15. Guest post and make sure your link is on the author bio.
  16. Form some sort of partnership with other webmasters.
  17. Submit an article to article sites.
  18. Submit and article to sites that need an article and make sure your link is on it.
  19. Provide a great service.
  20. Offer your service or product for free.(at least at first)
  21. Ask to have your site reviewed.
  22. Become Dofollow and get submitted to Dofollow directories.
  23. Submit to free directories.
  24. Submit to paid directories.
  25. Review sites. If you give a good review the site might link to you. You also have a chance for other sites to link to you if you give a bad one.
  26. Get stumbled, dugg, ect.
  27. Build list pages. These seem to work the best in getting links.
  28. Make surveys.
  29. Create a page about your site or blog on Wikipedia and put a link back to it.
  30. If you are have a website(not a blog) start a blog.
  31. Sponsor a site.
  32. Start a charity or other non-profit cause.
  33. Post great videos or pictures.
  34. Get sued. If it a company everyone hates or everyone loves your in.
  35. Hold a contest.
  36. Build a website/blog about a service everyone loves.
  37. Release a free extension,component, or plug-in.
  38. Have an interview. It needs to be someone who is famous. No one cares about the interview with your mom.
  39. Take a unique picture, and allow people to post it on their website if they link back.
  40. Create a theme or template. Make sure you put a Dofollow link in it.
  41. Use trackbacks.
  42. Ask your readers for link love.
  43. Trade articles of posts.
  44. Create new articles/posts. Everyone loves to link to them.
  45. Start a dofollow directory.
  46. Use Craigslist.
  47. Create a squidoo and link back to your site.
  48. Link to your site on Twitter.
  49. Tell readers to tweet posts.
  50. Ask organizations to link to you.
Wrong Link Building Strategies

These may work, but they are mean and sometimes illegal. Don’t do these things they are just made for your amusement. Actually, people sometimes do these sadly.
  1. Pay for links. (warning if Google detects this you could be banned.
  2. Write something mean about something and email sites that like what you wrote about. For instance, create an article about how much you hate cats and email it to ilovecats.com. If your lucky, they may post about how much they hate you. Yay.
  3. Do something so wrong you get in the news. Then news sites around the web will link to you.
  4. Sue a famous website. There’s no better way to get on the news!
  5. Create a blog about how much you love Hitler. Everyone will link to you to spread the news so they can burn down your house.
  6. Threaten another website owner similarly to you publically on your site. Tell him how you are going to pwn their site.
  7. Post only your link on sites,forums,wikis, and blogs that clearly state you cannot post links.
  8. Edit a Wikipedia(or other wiki) page and put your link in huge letters.
  9. Get sued. If it is a company everyone hates or everyone loves your in.
  10. Ask if you like this product(the one you sell) on forums or in comments.
  11. Make sure you comment, "great post" on 50 different dofollow blogs every day that have comment love.
  12. Oh, and don’t forget to fill you name with keywords.
  13. Link exchange with someone. Then, the next day change it to nofollow.
  14. The ultimate Pr scam: Link exchange with a ton of sites. Then, a week before the predicted pr update change all the links to dofollow. Some may figure it out, but not all of the sites you linked to. Finally, watch as your pr climbs and theirs falls.
  15. Email Problogger, CNN, Boing Boing, and Youtube asking for a link exchange.
  16. Don’t let anyone get away. If a webmaster says no to your offer, don’t give up. Send him and email every day, every new post, every time you get a new comment. Don’t give up if he ignores your email adress. Email him from a new one.
  17. Stalk him or her and mysteriously put your business card with your URl on it in his house. He might think a ghost or spirit is telling him something.
  18. Scratch other people’s cars. Leave a note that displays your link. Tell them if they link to you you will pay them back. Who knows? It could be the owner of Lifehacker.
  19. Ask every new person you meet if he has a site. If he does say "If you were my friend you would link to me."
  20. Kidnap webmasters and force them to link to you.
Expect more info about the different link building techniques in later posts. Have your own link building tips? Please comment.
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