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America Gets Failing Grade For Mental Health System
New York (HealthKnowItAll) - The National Association on Mental Illness have released their report, ranking states on their mental health systems. All 50 states in the US were included in the survey which provided some great detail into how each state runs their mental health system. In total, states were ranked on more than 65 different criterium, including access to mental health treatment, access to medication and housing. The group was given the task of analyzing the country’s mental health system on a state by state level and based on their last report, not much has changed. In total, 23 states received the same grade as last time, despite being made aware of their scores when the first report was released 3 years ago. The average score for the 50 US states was a D, which is a miserable score when you take into account the effort that has gone into improving the country’s health care system
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