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Health - Fitness - Nutrition - Dieting Everyday things you can do to keep fit, post your tips, ideas and information here. Or need weight loss information? Or you just want to learn how to Eat Properly? Want to bulk up your muscle or just burn some fat? Heres the place.

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Old 01-16-2009, 11:43 PM
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Default Using incline dumbbell press, stimulate upper chest muscles

Incline dumbbell is a great way to build your upper chest muscles
Prefect ways to use dumbbells:
§ According to the dumbbell position, simply stabilize yourself.
§ In the palm of both hands, hold the dumbbells and with the help of thighs keep them in the upright position.
§ Keep both hands at equal distance and move them away from you slowly.
§ Bring down the dumbbells to your side when you breathed out.
§ For bringing dumbbells back to the original position, use pectoral muscles.
§ You can make several angles if you are using an adjustable inclined bench.
§ As an alternative to dumbbells, you can also use barbells as it has the same benefits.
The main thing you have to do is be consistent in your workouts. You can use dumbbells as well as barbells, but your main goal remains the same i.e. to build upper chest muscles. I am highly recommending this exercise; I personally did it and felt a lot of difference in my upper chest muscles.
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