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Old 11-30-2008, 01:30 PM
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Default How to Stop Dogs Barking

Stop Dogs Barking - excessive barking can not only be annoying to you and your family but also to your neighbors. It can be a real headache but do not be discouraged it can be resolved in most cases.
It is important to stop Dogs Barking when it becomes inappropriate. Excessive barking can not only be annoying to you but also to your neighbors. Just as opinions vary about why dogs bark, the solutions for dog barking control vary as well. To solve a dog barking issue you must know what is causing it, that is the key. Once that is determined you can than proceed with the most effective solution.

How to Stop a Dog Barking

To stop dogs barking you will need to modify behavior. Modifying a natural behavior can be difficult and will take some patience, persistence and work on your part. First make sure that your dog is not receiving negative attention from his dog barking sounds - DO NOT YELL at your pet when he starts up, that is the cardinal sin when rehabilitating your barker, he thinks your are barking too which leads to more - you guessed it-- more barking. Ignore the barking but praise and reward him when he is quiet. "We raise what we praise." Be consistent about this. It will take time but it is worth it. Try this for a dog that goes crazy when you return home. While he is barking, ignore him. When he settles down, pour on the attention.

Most dogs that bark fall into the loneliness, frustration, frightened or boredom category. These are all situations that you can help to alleviate and control.

Spend time each day to play, train and exercise with your faithful friend. A well exercised dog is a happy dog and is more likely to sleep all day while you are not home. Your neighbors will thank you for this as well.

If you must leave your dog outside during the day because you are at work, provide a dog house so that he has a place to go when the weather is nasty. Have interesting toys to keep your dog busy when you’re not home and have food and water available.

Alternatively, consider "doggy doors" so that your pet can come and go as he pleases. If you are concerned that other animals may enter, key coded doors are available and can be set so that only your dog can enter the house. Bring him into the house when you are home. He needs to feel part of your family.

Do not leave your best friend confined for long periods of time. Crates are a very useful tool in many situations and for training but do not forget he is there.

There is no foolproof way to cure or stop a dogs barking but to quiet your incessant barker try these strategies...

Cure and prevention for excessive barking are basically the same. Your dog needs to be taught the command "quiet" and this can be done with the use of a spray bottle or squirt gun. Squirt your dog's mouth with water or lemon juice when the barking starts. This will stop dogs barking momentarily. While he is quiet, say "good boy" and give him a treat. Of course you must be around when your puppy is making noise to do this. When your dog learns the word "quiet" stop using the lemon juice and just use praise for being quiet. When a relapse occurs simply show him the spray bottle as a reminder.

Alternatively, you will want your dog to bark when appropriate such as when someone comes to the door. Teach your dog that it is ok at certain times by telling him "good dog."

Take an obedience class with your dog.

Teach your dog a few commands and/or tricks and practice them every day for 10 minutes. Your buddy needs to know you are in charge.

You can try a Bark collar. There are several kinds and are designed to deliver an aversive whenever your dog barks. I don't really recommend the shock collar; it is painful for your dog and the success rate is low. The sound collar emits high frequency sound when your furry friend starts barking and the success rate is reported also to be quite low. Citronella collars are designed to spray a citrus scent when your dog barks but it can be triggered by other noises. It is considered humane and works for dogs that find the scent aversive. The drawback to a bark collars is that it does not address the underlying cause and you may find it will stop dogs barking but it may be replaced with other negative behavior.

As a last resort you may wish to consider debarking. It is not as inhumane as you might think but this is a controversial treatment. Your dog will still be able to make noise, just not as loud. If conducted properly by a trained veterinarian, the procedure can help create a more pleasant life for you and your dog.

To stop dogs barking, your buddy needs to know that you are the leader of the pack - the one in charge - so be consistent in your behavior. He will learn that barking is appropriate at some times and not at others.

Donna Boras is the owner of the Best Dog Bed and life long dog lover.
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Old 07-22-2011, 09:32 AM
santazones santazones is offline
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Here are the ways to stop dog barking

Correct and follow through
Make sure you are calm
Stake your claim
Give your dog more challenges
Get professional help
Don't tease the dogs
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Old 07-26-2012, 07:49 PM
freewordpresspremium freewordpresspremium is offline
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Thank you so much for this! Our dogs are so noisy everyday.. I just suddenly realized that they are only calling my attention.
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Old 07-31-2012, 08:39 AM
vikaskumar11233 vikaskumar11233 is offline
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I think don't tease the dog is the best option and still if they do it then just put them in the hand of municipality agencies.
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