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Health - Fitness - Nutrition - Dieting Everyday things you can do to keep fit, post your tips, ideas and information here. Or need weight loss information? Or you just want to learn how to Eat Properly? Want to bulk up your muscle or just burn some fat? Heres the place.

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Old 09-02-2008, 10:23 PM
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Default A Diet to Lower Triglycerides

Triglycerides are another form of fats that are stored in the blood. Too much triglyceride in the vessels would cause the blood to thicken and trigger high blood pressure. Eventually, it could damage the heart as it tries to overwork everyday to pump blood through the clogged areas. People diagnosed with high triglyceride level should do all that it takes to get rid of this harmful substance from their system. A good suggestion is to follow a strict diet to lower triglyceride.

To lower your triglyceride count, you have to first moderate your intake of carbohydrates. Increased levels of carbohydrates and sugar could trigger the production of triglycerides in the bloodstream. Alcohol should also be removed from one's diet as it can stimulate the formation of triglycerides.

The diet to lower triglyceride indicates that all sugary foods should be omitted from your diet. You should also limit the use of sweeteners in your drinks as well. Honey, jams, molasses, jellies, pies, jams, cakes, candies, cookies, ice cream, and doughnuts should be stricken off from your list of foods to eat. You should start conditioning your mind and your body not to crave for these food items any longer.

And as stated earlier, it is also important to remove alcohol. All types of alcoholic drinks and beverages should be avoided. Wine, beer, and hard liquors should not be consumed at all cost. Alcohol is fermented sugar. So its effect on your triglyceride level is going to be the same as regular sugar. Alcohol can pile up calories in your blood, which will eventually turn into fats. And that is the main reason why alcohol is prohibited from any diet to lower triglyceride.

The consumption of red meat should also be regulated. If you have to eat meat, at least go for lean meat. You should also be careful of how the meat is prepared. Deep-fried pork and chicken may taste good. But they can trigger a drastic increase in your triglyceride level if you're not careful. Turkey and chicken are better choices. However, fish is the best alternative to poultry or red meat.
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