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Old 01-19-2011, 06:40 PM
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Default Microsoft vs apple marketing

Apple is inventing new things... Microsoft only copies what others have done/thought of.
- Apple built a digital music player everyone wanted (iPod), Microsoft tried to copy it years later with the Zune.
- iOS is a very good mobile operating system, Windows Mobile is not (even Microsoft has said they are about 2 years behind).
- Apple came out with the iPad and sent Windows-based tablet manufacturers back to the drawing board along with Microsoft for the operating system. That put them a year or two behind.

The best product Microsoft has done recently ist he Xbox (but again, more or less copied the Playstation).
Microsoft is trying to copy Google with it's search engine and online office products (it's failing).
Microsoft tried to copy Adobe Flash with it's Silverlight plug-in... also a utter failure.

Not only that, the quality of Apple products (both software and hardware) is very nice when compared to Windows/PC based products. There is always a market for quality.

Think about it... what has Microsoft done that anyone even WANTED to copy? All I see if Microsoft trying to copy everyone else, and they aren't even improving on stuff. They copy and usually whatever they do is worse than what they are copying.

Microsoft has no imagination what-so-ever.
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Old 01-24-2011, 12:53 PM
duabrown duabrown is offline
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Now most people have seen at least a lot of creativity and PC-Mac ads. If you're like me, and I think they are funny, very memorable. Has generated tens of thousands of camouflage using similar types of messaging. In Mac and PC, the movement is so unique and memorable, will most likely go down in history as one of the best. At the beginning of the discussion, see below, one of the old original Mac and PC ads.
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