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Old 07-09-2008, 08:27 PM
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Default Child Health

The health of a child is even more delicate than a glass rose and it is even more delicate than the health of an adult for a child cannot respond its feelings and emotions as well as an adult. To express a difference between the pain in the stomach and a pain in the chest is complex for a child. The whole health system of a child is also very delicate and susceptible to more kinds of infections and diseases than an adult and so there are a lot of things that a person has to know about the child’s health. It becomes the responsibility of a parent to get a detailed counseling with a physician about the care and health of their child. The health advice for a child should actually begin before the child I even formed. Confused? This is a fact that is not known to all. Even before the child is formed the parents have to take up a medical counseling and tests to test for genetic defects and hereditary disorders. The tests would involve a regular blood pressure check and blood test for sugar levels and also serum tests and a genetic test. A detailed history of both the partners are taken and a battery of tests is done to assess their current health status. For a child to be health it is advisable not to marry within direct relations and this type of relationship known as consanguinity. Many cultures support consanguinity and so without proper counseling such a practice might thrive. In order to understand about genetic transfer of disease you must understand a few basic biological factors, which helps us in understanding it better. All humans have something called chromosomes which is like a manual, it contains a list of things like the hair color, eye color, skin color, shape of eye, status and functionality of organs etc. so a chromosome is like a huge description of our whole body. Females have two chromosomes denoted as XX where as males have XY chromosomes. At times of maturity all of us develop something called as gametes. This is nothing but the division of the chromosome. So a female produces X, X gametes whereas a male produces X, Y gametes. At the time of fertilization one gamete from the male fuses with one gamete from the female to form a set of chromosome again. If an X gamete fuses with another X gamete then a female child develops where as when an X gamete fuses with a Y gamete then it develops into a male child. There are several genetic diseases that are associated with the genes. This means that the disease is a part of the X and Y chromosome. The basic structuring details in the gene itself are affected. Hence when people who have genetic disorder have children then the child who gets the defective gene tends to develop that disorder. With this knowledge of genetics you can understand the importance of genetic counseling. When there is a genetic disorder in a person then the possibility of the blood family members having the same is very high. When people who are blood related have children then the children have greater probability of various diseases like diabetes, hypertension, retinitis pigmentosa, downs syndrome and the list goes on. The probability of a person with these conditions passing it on to their children is 50%. So a perfect examination of the health can give an idea about your genetic health. Without counseling a parent can never know or realize the difficulty a child of theirs may face. Which parent would like to have their child suffer? Hence health advice even before the child is formed is not absurd but rather like planning way ahead for a firm foundation.
Once you realize you are about to be parents then again medical advice is essential. The health and mental status of a mother during pregnancy again plays a vital role in the health of a child. Medical advice should begin the day you realize that you are about to become a parent. There are several tests again that can help you in knowing the health status of a child but also there are several things an expecting mother should know. After the routine check up a mother should get advice on the three stages of pregnancy and the care that is to be taken during the three stages varies. Unless a medical professional tells a mother these things women tend to remain ignorant of many important aspects. The doctor would advice on the diet restrictions and necessities, drug restriction and necessity, motility restriction etc for each of the stage of pregnancy. Several aspects like pica, nausea, vertigo, which is normal during pregnancy, can cause a lot of tension to an expectant mother and a doctors counseling can tell them what are all the normal physiological changes and discomforts a pregnant woman would face and also advise them on signs that they have to take seriously for the health of the child. Several simple drugs and food items tend to be harmful to a developing child and only with proper medical counseling can these things be known. A doctor also counsels the options of delivery. The process of delivery can be a very stressful event for any mother and unless they are physically and mentally prepared for the ordeal. In fact many disasters during delivery occur only because a mother is unaware of the nature of the whole process. Unless they are physically, mentally, strong and ready the whole process can be a horrible experience. For a well-prepared mind it becomes a tough but understandable ride through the folds of life. It becomes very essential to have a steady course of counseling with a physician.
Once a child is born the responsibilities increases ten folds. There is a list of essential counseling related to the Childs health, vaccinations, care and nutrition. There are several things that have to be kept in the mid when taking care of the heath of the child and the importance of maintaining a proper record of all the treatments given to the child. Mothers will have to get counseling about how to physically and mentally handle the child, as they are delicate in both aspects. Medically and nutritionally the requirements of a child varies over the years and this has to be consulted with the doctor and depending on the health of the child this will vary.
All these information’s are available in books and Internet but that can never match the care and attention of a one to one interaction with a child care specialist. There can be no excuses when it comes to the health of a child and maximum care and efforts are needed for the betterment of the child.
Children are susceptible to a lot of injuries, infection and diseases. The tough part is that they cannot express their discomfort in any way other than crying and mothers tend to feed the child every time they cry without understanding the cause of the Childs cry. Doctors will advice on all the feeding cycles and also on the signs a parent should observe for in the child. Any sudden redness of the skin or bluing, excess sleeping, breathing irregularity, coughing, sudden decrease in response to sound or light, slow learning and adaptation are all signs that parents should be careful about. There are several other signs that a doctor will specifically mention based on the health of the child. There is a time and development ratio for a child called as milestones. The doctor can only guide you on the normal milestones and it becomes your duty to follow whether the child is reaching the milestones on time. Any delayed milestones can mean several possible dangers. Unless proper medical advise is sought for in all the stages of parenthood the development of a child becomes a tough struggle.
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Old 06-17-2011, 05:34 AM
jameshward jameshward is offline
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Children are the future, and to ensure proper growth and development must be a major concern for all communities. Newborns and children are likely vulnerable to malnutrition and infectious diseases, many of which can be prevented or treated effectively.
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Old 06-20-2011, 10:05 AM
monaishsmith monaishsmith is offline
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Healthy and nutritive supplements are very essential at the growing age.So we have to take care of child's health first with their diets.Some Light exercise are also best for them.Like jogging,cycling and all.Milk is very essential for all the Kid community.
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