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Old 06-30-2008, 02:24 PM
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Default Eye Health Tips


Astigmatism describes the shape of the cornea as being oval instead of a sphere

Most Astigmatic Corneas have two types of curves. The curves are considered to be a steep curve as well as a flat curve. The presence of these two types of cornea curves causes light to focus on more than one point with in the eye. For this reason, Astigmatism can blur both near and far vision. Astigmatism often occurs along with nearsightedness or farsightedness. There are two common types of Astigmatism. When the cornea has a distorted shape, it is called Corneal Astigmatism. When the lens is distorted, it is called Lenticular Astigmatism. Either type of Astigmatism can cause blurred vision.

Astigmatism can be detected and measured with Corneal Topography, Keratometry, vision testing and refraction. Astigmatism tends to remain constant, neither improving nor deteriorating much over time. Astigmatism can be corrected with glasses, contacts, or a variety of surgical procedures. The most common surgeries used to correct Astigmatism are Astigmatic Keratotomy and LASIK. These procedures reshape the cornea so it becomes more spherical.

Most Astigmatic Corneas have two types of curves. The curves are considered to be a steep curve as well as a flat curve. The presence of these two types of cornea curves causes light to focus on more than one point with in the eye. For this reason, Astigmatism can blur both near and far vision. Astigmatism often occurs along with nearsightedness or farsightedness. There are two common types of Astigmatism. When the cornea has a distorted shape, it is called Corneal Astigmatism. When the lens is distorted, it is called Lenticular Astigmatism. Either type of Astigmatism can cause blurred vision.

Macular Degeneration causes deterioration of the macula. The macula is the central area of the retina. The sharpest and clearest straight forward vision is processed by the macula. As more and more damage happens to the macula, a patient’s vision will start to develop more and more blind spots resulting in blurred or distorted vision. This process is known as Macular Degeneration.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a major cause of visual impairment in the United States and for people over age 65 it is the leading cause of legal blindness among Caucasians. Macular Degeneration affects the central vision, but not the peripheral vision. As a result, Macular Degeneration doesn't cause total blindness. Consider the following initial signs of Macular Degeneration:
  • need for more light to see close-up
  • fine print may become harder to read
  • street signs may become more difficult to recognize
  • eventually straight lines may appear distorted or crooked
  • gray or blank spots may appear in the center of your visual field
The condition of Macular Degeneration usually develops gradually, but in some instances may progress rapidly, leading to severe vision loss in one or both eyes. Consult with a doctor for diagnosis and treatment options.
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Old 03-08-2011, 04:59 AM
richardroy richardroy is offline
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Astigmatic corneas are two types of the curves. Curves for a vertical as well as a flat curve condition is considered. The presence of these two types of curves cornea causes light eye.Most Astigmatic corneas are two types of curves of more than one focus point. Curves for a vertical as well as a flat curve condition is considered. The presence of these two types of light curves of the cornea causes the eye to focus on one more point.
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Old 03-09-2011, 10:31 AM
hgjkfropet hgjkfropet is offline
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Well said, but when you remove your palms, you'll observe that colours are much brighter, you'll see more contrast, and you'll enjoy a wonderful, relaxed feeling in your eyes and brow muscles. If your eye becomes uncomfortable after you put the contact in, take it out and give it another good cleaning.
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Old 03-11-2011, 06:38 AM
starynicks starynicks is offline
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I love my eyes and I will take care of my eyes very well. I believe that vitamin A is good for the eyes. Eat green vegetables and fruits, as it can provide a protein to the eyes is good for the eyes. Eye wash every 3 hours later. Eyes is very sensitive body part so you have to take care of your eyes.
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Old 03-12-2011, 08:47 AM
mallory mallory is offline
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Some tips to take care of eyes:
1) Wash our eyes with cold water regularly.
2) Give it proper rest.
3) Take vitamin A more in diet.
4) Do some eyes exercise.
5) Wear goggles when you are going outside.
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Old 03-14-2011, 03:16 AM
lohencraft lohencraft is offline
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Do not rub or touch your eyes too often. When our eyes itch, we automatically want to rub them. Doing this can cause redness and produce a rash around the eye lids. Better to get a wet washcloth and gently wash the eye. Doing this every morning after waking up clear any rubbish that accumulated in the eyes of the night.
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Old 03-16-2011, 07:25 AM
jared jared is offline
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Take vitamin A more in meal and eat green vegetables more. Wash your eyes with cold water, do not rub it, wear goggles when you are going outside. Take proper sleep it will give relax to eyes, put piece of cucumber or cotton dipped into rose water on eyes it will give relax to eyes.
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Old 03-16-2011, 06:36 PM
baronfisher baronfisher is offline
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Some tips are as below:
1.Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam.
2.Give your eyes a rest.
3.Practice workplace eye safety.
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Old 03-18-2011, 09:02 AM
cruzehall cruzehall is offline
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The given all information are really great. According to me, the best tips to care for eyes are that eat more fruits and vegetables and wash eyes every 3 hours in a day. Eye are very sensitive part of human body.
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Old 03-19-2011, 08:51 AM
maxthrill maxthrill is offline
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Eyes are the sense organs of our body,it is very necessary to take care of the eyes, some of the eyes health tips are
1. Always wash your eyes with cold water
2. Avoid them from direct sun rays
3. Avoid them from dust particles
4. Eat green vegetables
5. Do eyes related exercise.
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