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Old 06-30-2008, 02:22 PM
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Default Depression Prevention Tips

Depression explained
Depression is a common experience. We have all felt 'depressed' about a friend's cold shoulder, misunderstandings in our marriage, tussles with teenage children - sometimes we feel 'down' for no reason at all.

However, depression can become an illness when:

The mood state is severe;

It lasts for 2 weeks or more; and

It interferes with our ability to function at home or at work.

Signs of a depressed mood include:

Lowered self-esteem (or self-worth)

Change in sleep patterns, that is, insomnia or broken sleep

Changes in appetite or weight

Less ability to control emotions such as pessimism, anger, guilt, irritability and anxiety

Varying emotions throughout the day, for example, feeling worse in the morning and better as the day progresses

Reduced capacity to experience pleasure: you can't enjoy what's happening now, nor look forward to anything with pleasure. Hobbies and interests drop off.

Reduced pain tolerance: you are less able to tolerate aches and pains and may have a host of new ailments

Changed sex drive: absent or reduced

Poor concentration and memory: some people are so impaired that they think that they are going demented

Reduced motivation: it doesn't seem worth the effort to do anything, things seem meaningless

Lowered energy levels.

If you have such feelings and they persist for most of every day for two weeks or longer, and interfere with your ability to manage at home and at work, then you might benefit from getting an assessment by a skilled professional.

Having one or other of these features, by themselves, is unlikely to indicate depression, however there could be other causes which may warrant medical assessment.

If you are feeling suicidal it is very important to seek immediate help, preferably by a mental health practitioner.

Causes of depression
While researchers often talk about ‘finding the cause’ of some disease or disorder this often obscures the fact that only part of the story is known.

Some causes are pretty straightforward. We know that a broken leg is usually the result of some kind of pressure or strain being applied. Moreover, if you have a broken leg you typically know when it happened (leg was fine yesterday, today it is broken) and how it happened (this morning you went skiing).

Things are not so simple with depression. We have good ideas about what some of the ‘pressures or strains’ that result in depression are – but they are not all agreed upon and there might be others.

For any one person there could be many ‘pressures’ in their life. It is often unclear when the depression started – much of the time it gradually has an effect.

We can see another complication by going back to the broken leg example. Some people suffer from osteoporosis which makes their bones more fragile (more vulnerable). If you only had a minor accident when you went skiing, your osteoporosis was probably as much the cause of your broken leg, since it made your leg more vulnerable to the effects of pressure. If you have a major accident, however, the leg will probably break, osteoporosis or not.

In other words, the causes of depression are some mixture of ‘pressure’ (mild to severe) combined with a vulnerability to depression (as a sort of ‘psychological osteoporosis’) which too can range from mild to severe.

As noted earlier, for each ‘type’ of depression, differing ‘mixtures of causes’ have differential relevance. Thus, for psychotic or melancholic depression physical and biological factors are generally more relevant. By contrast, for non-melancholic depression, the role of personality (osteoporosis) and life-event stressors (accident) are generally far more relevant.


A large number of different treatments are available for depression.

New treatments (particularly medications) appear regularly. Continuing research means that the evidence for how well a treatment works is always changing too. We have chosen to give only a brief summary of treatments and instead direct you to other sites which provide more comprehensive details.

Key points about treatments for depression
  • We believe that different types of depression respond best to different sorts of treatments (see below).
  • It's important that a thorough and thoughtful assessment be carried out before any treatment is prescribed.
  • Treatments for depression include physical and psychological treatments.
  • Depression can sometimes go away of its own accord but, left untreated, it may last for many months. Allow yourself to seek help.
  • Depending on the nature of your depression, self-help and alternate therapies can also be helpful, either alone or in conjunction with physical and psychological treatments.
Different types of depression need to be treated differently

At the Institute we believe there are different types of depression, falling into the following three principal classes:
  • <LI class=MsoNormal>Melancholic depression <LI class=MsoNormal>Non-melancholic depression
  • Psychotic depression.
Those types of depression that are more biological in their origins (melancholic depression and psychotic melancholia) are more likely to needphysical treatmentsand less likely to be resolved with psychological treatments alone.
We believe non-melancholic depression can be treated equally effectively with physical treatments (antidepressants) or with psychological treatments.
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Old 03-11-2011, 06:57 AM
starynicks starynicks is offline
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I think we know that a broken leg is usually the result of any pressure or tension is applied. Yoga is the best way to reduce depression. Avoid junk foods and stress. in my opinion, music is good to reduce depression, as it can maintain a fresh and cool mind.
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Old 03-12-2011, 08:50 AM
mallory mallory is offline
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Some tips to prevent depression:
1) Do meditation.
2) Share your problem with friends and family.
3) Avoid alcohol.
4) Take deep breath and do exercise regularly.
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Old 03-15-2011, 12:55 AM
abelart abelart is offline
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Depression prevention tips are to listening music, enjoy and entertainment. Depression remove from the exercise body and mind. Depression remove from the wondering natural place.
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Old 03-15-2011, 11:02 PM
rockersmith rockersmith is offline
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The information regarding the prevention of depression that you have given above is very nice and also very beneficial for me as well as others who wants to know. I liked and very much impressed by this.I am very much thankful to you for giving me the exact information.
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Old 03-16-2011, 06:00 AM
santanajoseph santanajoseph is offline
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# a depressed mood during most of the day, particularly in the morning
# fatigue or loss of energy almost every day
# feelings of worthlessness or guilt almost every day
# impaired concentration, indecisiveness
# insomnia or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping) almost every day
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Old 03-18-2011, 08:58 AM
cruzehall cruzehall is offline
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I think the best tips to prevent depression is that listen your favorite music and enjoy. Other best way is do Yoga and Meditation. Yoga and meditation keep you relax and healthy.
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Old 03-25-2011, 09:59 AM
harygril harygril is offline
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Depression is not at all good for the health, if you want to remain healthy then you should have to avoid depression. Depression can be prevent by doing yoga, exercise, avoiding tension, eating a balance diet.
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Old 03-29-2011, 08:54 AM
troytracon troytracon is offline
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Depression prevention tips to listen to music, play and entertainment. Depression remove the body and mind exercise. Removed from the site asking depression natural. Another is the best way to do yoga and meditation. Yoga and meditation keep us to relax and keep healthy.
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Old 04-04-2011, 05:17 AM
Thrillmess Thrillmess is offline
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Depression is very dangerous for the health of a person, if a person suffer from depression then he or she will suffer from most of the diseases. here are some of the depression preventing tips like drink more water,eat fresh and healthy food, avoid eating junk food,eat green vegetables and drink fruits juices.
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