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Website Design and Content Discussion pertaining to website design : Everything related to Databases , Graphics & Multimedia , Programming , HTML ,..

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Old 06-29-2008, 09:57 PM
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Default Forming HTML Pages

first I hope that you have decided to learn the html language

Now do you know what is any HTML file consists of?

When you open Notepad to write in it there must be a layout to the code which you write in it the tags , like this:



Here is the title that will appear in the title bar in the explorer




Here you write your tags that you want to appear in the page





And now lets see an example:




My first page



I still learning html in the first lesson



Now you are able to write the HTML layout...now you must to try to make it your self and see how is it work with you

And now what is the thing you don't know from the language principals?

It is the spaces, HTML language don't care by the lines you leave in the code or the spaces so if you want to leave an empty line you must write a certain rage


This tag is used to end a line and start a new line
This tag used to make the same as the previous tag but it leave a line between paragraphs


This tag is used to leave space between words, and this make one space but it is not necessary to write it between every word because it is automatic leave space between words but if you want more than one space

Now see this example that will explain theses three tags you learnt

The First page
Now I learnt how to leave spaces and I will leave 4 space by using this tag &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

And now I will go to a new line and leave one empty by this tag<p>

And now I will go to new line without leaving empty line by this tag<Br>

so I have learnt this three tags
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:56 AM
Eustorgio Leonardo Eustorgio Leonardo is offline
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You can, but they would be useless. Access will translate the native forms into HTML, but they are useful only on a LAN - if you tried to use them on the Internet they would fail, since they require a wide open firewall between your web server and the Access database.
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