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Old 06-04-2008, 11:38 PM
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Default the best Dental Healing Tips

1. Daily heeding

The marks of various foodstuffs are very ominous to the beauty of teeth’s. Therefore these signs are easily detached by the use of daily brushing. The flossing eradicates the dangerous bacteria’s and fare objects from in the middle of teeth. The soaking will also help the person as a jaws bathe. Even soaking the jaws with water subsequent to ingestion can decrease microorganisms via 30 %.

1.1Ladders to valuable brushing

* The brushing must be done after eating twice a day. The bedtime is the ideal choice of brushing before the sleep.
* The size of the brush must be reasonable. It should be neither large not small. An elastic spine brush fits the jaws really.
* The toothpaste along with fluoride is very obliging in caring the teeth and jaws from decompose.
* The brushing must be done by the long handed brush in the 45 degree angle.
* The brushing must be softening. It should not be hard and tinge because it can create the swelling in jaws really.
* The teeth must be cleaned up with at most time. At least 5 minutes should be consumed while brushing the teeth. It will shine up the teeth with beauty.
* The rubbing of tongue should be applied for about 30 seconds to take away the additional germs.
* To avoid from bleeding, the brush should be adopted as soften.
* The brush should get changed after 3 months.
* The toothpaste must be used of standard quality such as Colgate, Medicame etc.

2. Checking to dental surgeon

If any time in the life, you feel pain and stress in the mouth and jaws. You should then check a dental doctor. During the treatment of the chronic teeth pains, you should use soft things. The cold stuffs such as colas, ice cream, chocolates must be stopped during the dental therapy for at least 1 month. Besides these, you should check up the teeth at regular intervals to the dental doctors.

3. Child dental care measure

The children must be avoided of the sweet stuffs such as chocolates, sweets, ice creams colas, sugar, etc. They are to focus on the juices, fruits, vegetables, milk, butter and other fresh foodstuffs. Besides, the parents must advise to their offspring to brush up twice a day. They should be checked up to dental surgeon during the times of marks, cavity and other bacteria’s.

4. Quit smoking and other drugs

The teeth are badly affected because of smoking, alcoholism, cocaine, hash etc. It is the investigation of dental department of the United States and other countries. Therefore the people must quit to these drugs as soon as possible, because they are dangerous for the teeth, jaws, and mouth. They create a bulk of bacteria’s in the mouth which can never be white washed by the even brushing. The medical science has a strong belief that the smoking is the biggest cause of mouth smell and heart diseases. They are started actually from mouth a bacterium’s, caused by the smoking and other drugs.

5. Water as dental cure

The water is the prominent remedy in fitting the teeth. A person must use at 12 glasses of water daily. It will help the man to have strong teeth, because it flows out the all kinds of bacteria’s from the urine.
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Old 05-15-2009, 11:13 AM
sophie sophie is offline
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Default Dental Tips

Regular teeth brushing, dental floss and regular dental check up will definitely help you to maintain dental health.
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Old 06-01-2009, 05:28 AM
mischa.porter mischa.porter is offline
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Ok, I'm really impressed! There are so many ways and tips in protecting our oral health! Regular dental check ups, examinations and professional treatments is a good way also. I agree that with proper brushing and flossing is also important. Having a good diet is another thing.
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Old 06-06-2009, 08:37 AM
saintlypan saintlypan is offline
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I agree, aside form the basic dental hygiene, you must also have the proper diet to maintain your teeth. If you do not want to have yellow teeth then you probably have to cut back on your intake of coffee, tea, and soda. smoking also causes your teeth to stain.
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Old 01-12-2010, 04:08 AM
notyrock notyrock is offline
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Thanks for nice information you have share for us. i suggest some way.
The marks of various foodstuffs are very ominous to the beauty of teeth’s. Therefore these signs are easily detached by the use of daily brushing. The flossing eradicates the dangerous bacteria’s and fare objects from in the middle of teeth. The soaking will also help the person as a jaws bathe. Even soaking the jaws with water subsequent to ingestion can decrease microorganisms via 30 %.
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Old 06-04-2010, 04:42 PM
champeter champeter is offline
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You can use a fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Consider using an electric or battery-operated toothbrush, especially if you have arthritis or other problems that make it difficult to brush effectively.Hold your toothbrush at a slight angle against your teeth and brush with short back-and-forth motions.
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Old 11-12-2010, 12:39 PM
lisabrown01 lisabrown01 is offline
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Well, I recommend you to eat certain crisp foods. The consumption of these will help to remove tartar and plaque from teeth must look to chew on them whenever possible. Vegetables such as celery and carrots are good choices. You might also consider the possibility of chewing gum. This is similar to chewing crunchy foods help get rid of all the tartar. Of course, you must ensure that it is sugarless gum.
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:44 AM
andywily889 andywily889 is offline
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Nowadays I am suffering for paining in to the teeth. I read this thread I rally happy to see all that tips given by you. I am not brushing twice in day I thinks this is the reason of that paining. I will cure it from doctor. This is a meaningful information for me.
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Old 12-07-2010, 08:21 AM
jacobwilliam jacobwilliam is offline
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It may be in addition to "X Factor" butter oil, help maintain healthy teeth and other dental treatment options. According to the original foodists take a long time, the original pitch (high K, vitamins, chlorophyll and magnesium), such as lettuce, wheat grass juice can rebuild damaged teeth.
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Old 12-27-2010, 02:17 PM
brownsmithes brownsmithes is offline
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These tips are really very helpful to secure our teeth. Doctor will give you pain medication for a reason the wisdom tooth extraction pain after the procedure! By taking your regular painkillers to reduce pain and recommendations. Dental Fear Central recommended ibuprofen and, as this can dilute the blood, to avoid any aspirin. These tips prevent the same problem of ibuprofen.
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