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Old 01-15-2010, 08:58 PM
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Default Tips: How To Optimize Your Blog Posts For SEO After They're Published

I've found this useful article on the web hope it'll help
So there are big parts of SEO. You want to optimize your blog posts for SERP as you write them, and then optimize for SEO after they’re published. And I’ve put together an easy how to.

Driving traffic to your blog is the key factor in determining whether it’ll be a success or not. I put together 50 tips to drive more traffic to your blog, and these are great for increasing both SEO traffic as well as direct and community traffic.

But SEO is really the lifeblood of your blog. It allows your posts to live on long after they’re published, and let’s you reap the fruit of all your hard work.

Optimize Your Old Blog Posts For SEO

If you’re able to generate traffic from your old blog posts, you’ll see your traffic increase exponentially. As a blogger, your goal is to increase your knowledge in the industry, and as a thought-leader.

Having high-ranking posts, allows more people to be exposed to your content and will yield you overall higher traffic numbers.

Analyze Your Best Performing Posts

Looking at your Google Analytics graphs, you can find what posts are bringing in the most traffic via Google, and from there, you can see which keywords are bringing in the most traffic.

Type those terms into Google, and see which of your stories show up. Hopefully you’ll be on the front page or first page of Google for those search terms.

Regardless, you should have a good idea of which posts are driving the most natural, organic search traffic. Once you’ve identified them, you can start your work.

Optimize Your Stories With Specific Keywords

Once you see which keywords are driving the traffic to your posts, you can go back into your story and help emphasize these keywords better.

Perhaps you can add in an extra paragraph talking about your subject in more detail. Also, you can use strong and italics to help your keywords stand out more. This also allows the reader to more easily skim your stories and extract the key points.

Including your keywords in the opening paragraphs and also closing paragraphs helps Google pick up your story better. Also, don’t overwhelm your story with the keywords.

Google looks for natural word search, so use a lot of similar keywords, synonyms, and the general type of language that someone would use when searching for your particular topic.

Reap The Results of Your Hard Work

After optimizing your posts, you will soon start to see these old posts bringing in more and more traffic. If you don’t see the results you want, you should go back and keep updating and altering until you get the achieved results you want.

Also, you can start talking about your old blog posts on blogs, forums, Yahoo! answers and any other area where your community would be interested in learning more about what you have to say.

Optimize Old Blog Posts For Your Sites Keywords

So for those of you looking to optimize your blogs posts for SEO, and achieve higher search engine ranking positions SERP, you should look to go back to your old posts and start optimizing them for the keywords that are driving the most traffic to your blog."
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Old 06-07-2011, 04:50 AM
simoncolth simoncolth is offline
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Such good and effective looking technique to do so. I thought I knew all that but I did learn something new from your post. These steps are very simple to follow. I would love to see some screenshots of the admin side of one of your well ranked posts.
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